
Learn Best Practices, Tips & Tricks at the Free Microsoft Virtual Summit

Register Today for the Free Microsoft Virtual Summit Over the last few months, the GovLoop community has had some great posts on innovation in government. Now is the time for innovation in government – with increasing budgetary constrains, growing fiscal austerity and the prospects of deep budget cuts, the public sector is called to findRead… Read more »

WayIn for Enterprise Security

Study after study refutes the myth that cybersecurity is compromised by malicious, brilliant hackers. Advanced persistent threats, state-sponsored hackers, and foreign intelligence agencies are serious threats, especially to major targets, but the vast majority of breaches and leaks result from the cyber equivalent of forgetting to lock your door or losing your wallet. Two recent,Read… Read more »

How spies and cloud computing fit together, the future of Gov 2.0 and are you suffering from social media overload?

How spies and cloud computing fit together, the future of Gov 2.0 Suffering social media overload? by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Tuesday April 25, 2012: Cloud computing and the intelligence community… it seems like an oxymoron, but could it be a perfect fit? Gov 2.0 — What’s happening and where are we going?Read… Read more »

What’s the future for Gov 2.0 — is there one? The surprising look at HP’s new survey

Gov 2.0 — it was one of the biggest government buzz words a year ago…but where does Gov 2.0 stand now? Where is it going? Christina Morrison is the public sector marking manager at HP. She sat down with Chris Dorobek to talk about the results of HP and AMD’s new Gov’t IT Professionals Survey.Read… Read more »

Three Hot New Social Apps For Election 2012

Stan Freck (Park City, UT) — Everyone knows that the 2008 Obama/Biden campaign for President of the United States made sophisticated use of Twitter, Facebook, and other social media, not to mention creatively tapping into America’s young voters in other innovative ways. But if you thought technology in the 2008 presidential race was a bigRead… Read more »

Social Business By Design: Transformative Social Media Strategies for the Connected Company

Dion Hinchcliffe of Dachis Group is one of the brightest minds in the nation today. For years he has helped individuals and organizations think through complex challenges. And for years he has proven he can glean trends and impart their relevance to decision-makers. He is world renowned for his thinking, speaking and writing powers. AndRead… Read more »

Wikithon at Smithsonian American History Museum!

Very excited about Thursday’s Wikithon, which will be right on The Mall at the National Museum of American History. Details WHAT: “Ruby Slippers” WikithonWHEN: Thursday, April 26TIME: 3-5 pm EDTWHERE: National Museum of American History in the Constitution Cafe, in Washington D.C. Enter on 14th and Constitution Ave, NW. We’ll be working on fleshing outRead… Read more »

Open Government and the Bully Pulpit

Last week in Honolulu, the Mayor got on a bus. And while this may seem like a small thing, it’s just the latest example of how mayors and municipal leaders are using the weight of their offices to advance the agenda of open government. Mayors are not often known for their prowess at writing code.Read… Read more »