
Losing control in the digital age

Press officers, communications teams, I am told, do not like losing control. So the advent of digital technology could be conceived to be their worst nightmare. Now, I’ve never worked in a communications team where control was something hung on to for dear life so I can’t comment on this from a personal perspective. ButRead… Read more »

FedRAMP 3PAO Program – Have we Heard of this Idea Before?

In a packed auditorium in 2006, I recall sitting in the “Red Auditorium” at NIST to participate in a workshop hosted by the Computer Security Division. The goal of the workshop was to discuss the implementation of Phase II of the FISMA Implementation Project. At the time, the Phase read like this: “The second phaseRead… Read more »

Social Media to the Rescue

The last couple of weeks have been tumultuous at different agencies in the US government. For the fourth time in as many months, Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta faced the media last week to state that the “actions of a few do not reflect the character of the US military”. It sounds so much likeRead… Read more »

TSP Talk Weekly Wrap Up – 4/21/12

As earnings and economic reports rolled in, the stock market bounced around trying to find direction. The normally historically positive option expiration week during the April earnings season did finish with gains, but it was not an easy task as the sellers were not too far behind any rally. For the TSP, the C-fund gainedRead… Read more »

“Five Top Add-ons for SharePoint” Podcast Interview

Our thanks to Terry Simpson, Solutions Architect, SusQTech, for an excellent interview on April 19 on the subject of “Five Top Add-ons for SharePoint”. Here is a podcast link to this BlogTalkRadio show. Key topics covered were the benefits of selectively applying add-on software even with the built-in power of SP 2010, a case exampleRead… Read more »

Kapow’s ETL for HTML offerings

Today’s data isn’t just in one warehouse nor is it in one format. Data is no longer silo’ed in perfectly structured relational databases, but rather unstructured across the broader internet. Thus, traditional ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) architectures do not apply. Less than 1% of all web data is available via API, and extraction tools mustRead… Read more »

CTO Security Report

Anonymous (Photo credit: Schuilr) 3 Million Iranian Bank Accounts Disclosed Iranian ATM’s are dispensing PIN and Password changes instead of money this week following the public disclosure of three million bank account details by an Iranian security researcher. While the disclosure of these accounts is unfortunate, what is more troubling is the process that ledRead… Read more »

Full Spectrum Cyber, Social Engineering Against Industrial Control Systems, and More

Today’s federal cybersecurity and IT news: Maj. Gen. Suzanne Vautrinot, commander the 24th Air Force and Air Force’s Cyber Air Component to USCYBERCOM emphasized the importance of “full-spectrum” cybersecurity that prepares for offense, defense and exploitation. More here. The U.S. Cyber Emergency Response Team warned of social engineering attacks against utilities’ industrial control systems byRead… Read more »

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Open Data

As organizations like Code for America encourage government transparency and the concept of Open Data at multiple levels of government in the US, I think it’s useful for us to take a look at how Open Data is handled in other countries. Given my non-existent skills in other languages and my distrust of Google Translate,Read… Read more »