
Interfaith Peace Walk–a Walking Dialogue Opportunity

Please check out and join us if you’re able on April 29, 2012 in Philadelphia at 2:00 p.m. (18th and Spruce St.) for a walking dialogue among Muslims, Jews, Chrisitians, Sikh’s, Buddhists, Hindus, Krishna’s and other religious and secular groups who want to promote communication, dialogue and peace within our city and world. SubmittedRead… Read more »

Startup Beach House

Are you working on a Gov 2.0 idea, Open Gov idea or have an idea for a product or service to improve government? Than you might be interested in the Startup Beach House! The Startup Beach House originated from the love and passion we have for startups, entrepreneurship and the awesome community surrounding these ideas.Read… Read more »

Is Michigan’s Innovation Fund a Blueprint for Success?

Chris Dorobek recently interviewed David Behen, the Chief Information Officer at Michigan’s Department of Technology, Management and Budget on the DorobekINSIDER. I’ve been following discussions on GovLoop over the past several months on whether government should fund innovation initiatives and how it could do so during tough fiscal conditions, so I was really interested inRead… Read more »

What I’ve been reading

I find this stuff so that you don’t have to. Are open standards a closed barrier? | Government Digital Service – “Fresh out of a roundtable discussion on the Open Standards: Open Opportunities consultation, Linda Humphries discusses whether open can really mean closed.” eParticipation needs to be carefully integrated into the complex world of existingRead… Read more »

What Happens When Leaders Ask ‘Why Do We Do This?’

Young children are legendary for asking Why? Why? Why? when seeking to learn. Adults, however, tend to simply do what’s been done before without asking – why do we do this? An experience to consider. When appointed as head of operations years ago, I suspended a dozen reports compiled by the accounting department without announcingRead… Read more »

An innovative fund for innovation; NASA’s opengov 2.0 plan; and the Sunshine Awards

An innovative fund for innovation; NASA’s opengov 2.0 plan; and the Sunshine Awards by GovLoop Insights On today’s program for Thursday April 12, 2012: The challenge is to be innovative. What about an innovation fund? They’re actually trying this out in Michigan. We’ll talk to the person behind it about how it works… their goals…Read… Read more »