
Update Your Business Case: Include the Hidden Costs of Cloud Computing

UNDER-ESTIMATED COSTS = UNDER-ESTIMATED RISK This was originally published on the Tri Tuns blog. It’s fairly well-known that we weigh many different factors when making a buying decision – some logical, some emotional. When purchasing cloud computing, it is easy to fixate on the most obvious factor – the monthly fee – while developing aRead… Read more »

The Future of Mobile (from FOSE 2012)

The future of mobile discussion highlighted some great facts of what is going on in mobile right now One of the sessions I attended at FOSE 2012 was titled: “What the Research Shows: The Future of Mobile.” It featured two researchers, Dr. David Metcalf of the University of Central Florida, and Aaron Smith, of theRead… Read more »

Winner! The State Department’s Tag Challenge crowns the Kings of Social Media Sleuthing

Using social media to track down bad guys. We told you about the TAG Challenge a few weeks ago. It was made possible by a State Department grant. The challenge essentially took the concept of tag that we all played as kids. The premise is simple: Teams worked to track down five jewel thieves fromRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Recommendations for open local government

To promote open government, students at the Honors College Think Tank on Transparency and Privacy at the University of Utah recently studied 16 local governments in Utah to determine best practices for keeping local government open. The results of the study will be officially released at a press conference on Wednesday, April 11th. Their workRead… Read more »

Fighting Cyber Crime with Transparency

Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in The Atlantic Council’s Young Professionals in Cyber Policy discussion with thinkers from industry, academia, think tanks, and policy. After speaking with Karl Grindal of the Cyber Conflict Studies Association, I realized that part of the reason for the current insecurity and high criminality in cyberspace is gameRead… Read more »

Can Twitter track diseases?

Can twitter be Twitter be used to track illnesses? Possibly. Illnesses usually hit in waves. Think of your kids’ preschool class or your office when a cold hits. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response is trying to track these illness breakouts and they’re using a challenge to make it happen. DianaRead… Read more »

Social Media CAN help Catch Crooks, Using Twitter to Track Diseases and Women in Technology

Social Media CAN help Catch Crooks, Using Twitter to Track Diseases and Women in Technology by GovLoop Insights On today’s program Monday April 9th, 2012: Using social media to track down bad guys… We told you about the TAG Challenge a few weeks ago. It was made possible by a State Department grant. The challengeRead… Read more »

Twitter for Rookies: Simple Guidance for Getting Started

Still not certain whether you should take the Twitter plunge? The best way to determine its value is to give it a try. Focusing on using Twitter professionally rather than personally – including staying current with local, national, and global news – this post offers simple best practice suggestions for setting up your profile andRead… Read more »