
Join Our Research Study: Can Government Create Great Customer Service?

Take 5 minutes and help us, help you. Take the GovLoop Customer Service in Government Survey. Survey Link I’m conducting a research study on “Re-Imagining Customer Service in Government.” Our study hopes to understand current trends in government customer service and opportunities for improvement.The results of this survey will be used to create a GovLoopRead… Read more »

TSP Talk – Jobs and Earnings

The stock market became tentative before Friday’s jobs report, and with good reason. For the TSP, the C-fund lost 0.67% last week, the S-fund lost 1.06%, the I-fund dropped 2.79%, while the F-fund (bonds) gained 0.09% and the G-fund was up 0.02%. The S&P 500 has been testing and so far holding the 20-day EMA,Read… Read more »

CTO Security Report

600,000+ Mac Computers Infected While this kind of activity wouldn’t rouse much attention from those esconced in WinTel (Windows and Intel) architechures, it is much less common for Mac users to be impacted by infections on this scale so quickly. The infection, called Flashback, is installed via a Java vulnerability (CVE 2012-0507) which was patchedRead… Read more »

Big Data Showcase: Establishing the Infrastructure

After learning about the great uses and potential of Big Data in government and hearing about the leading analytics solutions turning that data into intelligence at Carahsoft’s Government Big Data Forum, industry leaders presented a panel on the infrastructure that makes all of this possible. Storing, accessing, and working with massive amounts of complex dataRead… Read more »

Outraged by the GSA spending scandal? Insights from a former GSA Commissioner

The DorobekINSIDER Issue of the Week: The Washington Post has declared that GSA clearly had the worst week in Washington. This week, GSA administrator Martha Johnson resigned amid allegations of excessive spending at a conference. GSA Inspector General Brian Miller issued a report detailing contracting irregularities and excessive spending after a Las Vegas conference. TheRead… Read more »

Beautiful Maps – Google Maps in Water Colours

You know, really never know what the web is going to throw at you next. The great people over at Stamen Design (if you’ve never heard of Stamen you are really missing out – they are probably the best data visualization company I know) have created a watercolor version of Google Maps. Why? Because theyRead… Read more »