
Weekly Round-up: April 06, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Users and Mobility. Alice Lipowicz has two articles up on FCW about mobility, one outlining how the FAA asked its employees how they would use mobile tech on the job, the other covering Anil Karmel’s FOSE keynote (and other events) that showed the government is trying to think more about the mobile infrastructureRead… Read more »

Navy Launches Public Wargame About U.S. Energy Crisis

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — In May 2012, the U.S. Navy will launch a week-long multiplayer online wargame in order to tackle America’s energy crisis as a national security issue. This effort is being spearheaded by the Department of Innovation of the Office of Naval Research (ONR), an academic-oriented applied research facility based on theRead… Read more »

Mind Readers and The Psychology of Excess

Seeing a number of senior officials in the last year “ousted,” I find it sort of scary the risks and travails that executive leadership can entail. There are so many good, hardworking people at GSA making progress for the Government in terms of property management, contract management, fleet management, and more, that it was aRead… Read more »

Social Media Privacy is a Hot Topic

By Eric Rabe, Fels Senior Advisor In an announcement on Friday, Facebook said it is taking steps to prevent employers from getting access to the FB accounts of employees. It’s the right call. The surprising thing is that it was even a question. What is the implication for governments and agencies? Of course, Facebook isRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Data confirms Internet is helping increase transparency

New data from the Sunshine Review suggests that the Internet is helping increase transparency in government. Just four years ago, in 2010, only 41 public organizations out of over 5,000 which were part of a study received an A grade in terms of web transparency. Today, 214 government websites can say they have an ARead… Read more »

Should Government Reorganize Itself? (Part III)

The political winds are blowing favorably for government reorganization for the first time since Jimmy Carter’s efforts in the 1970s. As a result, the conversation on government reorganization is shifting from “should we” to “how do we” reorganize. What are some of the lessons from past efforts? At one point, the advice was: don’t doRead… Read more »

Challenges and Opportunities in Big Data From Industry and Academia Panel

After government executives announced 0ver $200 million in Big Data initiatives last week, a panel of thought leaders from industry and academia moderated by New York Times technology and innovation reporter Steve Lohr discussed the current state and exciting future of Big Data research. The panel helped demonstrate why the research and development initiatives wereRead… Read more »

3 Lessons Learned for Government Communications

I just watched a video from GovDelivery client Ann Marie Felicio, Public Affairs Specialist at Tricare. Ann Marie explains some of the benefits of GovDelivery and their products and services. There are a lot of interesting take-aways from the video, and it is interesting to consider how technology is helping to leverage efficiencies how agenciesRead… Read more »

Can tech create Democracy? 10 Leadership Commandments from an Admiral

It’s Day Three of FOSE week and the DorobekINSIDER is there brining you the inside scoop at the annual government IT conference and trade show. Chris has been tweeting up a storm and you can follow him @cdorobek. FOSE has been producing some great panels. And the Former Senator Senator from Maine George Mitchell’s panelRead… Read more »

Challenges and Opportunities in Big Data From Industry and Academia Panel

After government executives announced 0ver $200 million in Big Data initiatives last week, a panel of thought leaders from industry and academia moderated by New York Times technology and innovation reporter Steve Lohr discussed the current state and exciting future of Big Data research. The panel helped demonstrate why the research and development initiatives wereRead… Read more »