
15% off for NCDD members on EngagingPlans public outreach websites

Urban Interactive Studio (UIS), LLC is offering a 15% discount on EngagingPlans Pro-Subscription to all NCDD members who are looking for a cost-effective way to use the Web to facilitate communication with the public throughout their projects. Like all our fellow NCDD members, we are deeply rooted in the belief that we can make ourRead… Read more »

Online IT Security Awareness Materials

We are looking at the possibility of developing an in-house online security awareness training program for our employees. We currently contract out with a hosted solution, however, it is pricey. I was looking around on the web, found very few online training programs that were short. I think one I found was like a 10-hourRead… Read more »

Using BHAG’s to Change Organizations: A Management, Open Data & Government Mashup

I’m a big believer in the ancillary benefits of a single big goal. Set a goal that has one clear objective, but as a result a bunch of other things have to change as well. So one of my favourite Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAG) for an organization is to go paperless. I like theRead… Read more »

Online Community Management survey launches for Australia and New Zealand

Quiip and Delib Australia have launched the first online community management survey for Australia and New Zealand. The survey aims to help local organisations and individuals better understand the skills required to work in these professions, help uncover role challenges, training and support needs and the actual work and salaries that online community management andRead… Read more »

Mind Maps: “Nonlinear Systems benefit from Nonlinear Documentation”

Editor’s Note: This post was written by DaveWalker, a highly regarded security professional and inventor in the UK with a focus on design and implementation of multilevel and cross-domain IT security (“MLS”)-bg. I was first introduced to mind mapping a few years ago, when some colleagues I was having email discussions with about securityRead… Read more »