
Maryland picks CSC for health care upgrade

Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) has been selected by the state of Maryland to replace the state’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS). The company will also serve as a fiscal agent for selected Department of Health and Mental Hygiene programs. The five year contract is valued at $297 million. Under the terms of the agreement, CSCRead… Read more »

Shifting federal mobility, ACT-IAC gets a new look and smartphone security, what you need to know!

Shifting federal mobility, ACT-IAC gets a new look and smartphone security, what you need to know! by GovLoop Insights Happy Monday — I hope you had a good weekend.And I’ve had a bunch of people ask me about the new iPad. I don’t have it… YET. Yes, it was supposed to be delivered Friday, but…Read… Read more »

Is Your Agency or Organization Ready for the Facebook Timeline Switch? You Have until March 30th!

Did you know that your Facebook Page is going to radically change in look and functionality on March 30th? Below is an overview of Facebook Timeline that we prepared for our Ketchum clients that outlines all of the major new features, and recommendations for how to use the new format. Keep in Mind that AllRead… Read more »

Looking for a few good NCDD bloggers

Are you interested in being an NCDD blogger? We’d like to build a small cadre of volunteer bloggers who are responsible for posting weekly on a specific aspect of dialogue and deliberation they’re passionate and informed about. Perhaps you’re clued-in to what’s happening in online engagement, public deliberation, or race dialogue? Or maybe you’d provideRead… Read more »

Looking for a few good NCDD bloggers

Are you interested in being an NCDD blogger? We’d like to build a small cadre of volunteer bloggers who are responsible for posting weekly on a specific aspect of dialogue and deliberation they’re passionate and informed about. Perhaps you’re clued-in to what’s happening in online engagement, public deliberation, or race dialogue? Or maybe you’d provideRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Most confusing hi-tech terms of the decade (so far) named at SXSW

With new technology constantly emerging, I often find myself Googleing what exactly the latest hi-tech term means, and I’m certainly not alone. The Global Language Monitor, a media analytics company which tracks language trends,determines a yearly list of the most confusing hi-tech jargon, which is presented at the SXSW Conference. The list is determined usingRead… Read more »

Firefox was removed from my government PC – Why this is a symptom of a bigger problem

Social Connect via: This week, Firefox was removed from my government work PC. This action itself was relatively minor and hardly noteworthy. However, the removal of the Firefox web browser is a symptom of a greater problem within government information technology and restricting public servants in being productive through the technology they use to doRead… Read more »

From open data to useful data

At BarCamp Canberra on Saturday I led a discussion asking how we can help governments take the step from open data (releasing raw datasets – not always in an easily reusable format) towards usable and useful data (releasing raw datasets in easily reusable formats plus tools that can be used to visualise it). To frameRead… Read more »