Tech get’s a makeover…what’s different? goes live…again. The eRulemaking Program team says this update is the first installment in a series of website developments scheduled for this year. The substantial redesign aims to effectively relaunch the site to meet the goals in the President’s Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review Executive Order. John Moses is the Director at EPA’s CollectionRead… Read more »

Finance Manager – Services Operations – Greenbelt, MD

Presidio Networked Solutions is the leading provider of professional and managed services for advanced IT solutions. Our services and solutions enable our clients to maximize their return on investment in data center/virtualization, collaboration, security, mobility and networking technology. More than 1,800 Presidio professionals serve over 5,000 clients in all 50 U.S. states, Europe and Asia.Read… Read more »

Decrypting Open Government, gets a Makeover and What Innovators DON’T say

Decrypting Open Government, gets a Makeover and What Innovators DON’T say by GovLoop Insights So do you have an elevator pitch for your organization’s mission? Could you do it in one minute? Can you make strategy fun? Dave McClure, the associate administrator of GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technology, has created aRead… Read more »

National Social Worker Month – Child Welfare

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. In this installment of Deltek’s month-long blog series honoring National Social Worker Month, we focus on one of social workers’ most consuming focus areas: child welfare. In 1998, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the first “Child Welfare Outcomes”report, which provides information on both national andRead… Read more »

7 Trending Topics in Federal Government Contracting! 03/15/12

This weekly blog pinpoints huge happenings in the world of Federal government contracting. Check out more on our Twitter account: @RIVA_Solutions. And search our new hashtag, #FedBuzz, for daily updates and join the conversation! Want to know what happened this week? Visit us at

Texas releases e-filing RFP

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. Earlier this month, Texas joined a myriad of states including Minnesota and Arkansas, as well as many localities by releasing a solicitation for an electronic filing of court records system. This system will allow court employees at all levels (Supreme, criminal appeals, appellate, district, justice, and Limited Jurisdiction Courts includingRead… Read more »

Should Governments Crowdsource Science Research Funding?

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Recently, I wrote about the trials and tribulations of social networks focused on scientific researchers. I painted a fairly dim picture. Some people disagreed with me at the Huffington Post and other places. Nevertheless, it is clear that there are those in the scientific community who are interested in disruptiveRead… Read more »