
Government, Go Mobile in 2012. Do It Right 4

By Andreas Muno Last week we discussed how smaller mobile devices have made it cheaper and easier for public security and field services workers to do their jobs efficiently. And, how as an added benefit, citizens have become more engaged and are taking some of the burden off of governments. This week we are goingRead… Read more »

Encyclopedia Britannica ceases paper publishing after 244 years – how about government reports?

On Tuesday Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. announced that the company would cease printing a paper edition of their iconic Encyclopedia Britannica, after 244 years. The last paper version – the 32-volume, 2010 edition – will be unavailable once the existing stock of about 4,000 copies runs out. I can see it becoming a collector’s item overnight.Read… Read more »

Municipal wifi under attack, but still innovating

Municipal wifi networks in states across the nation are under attack as they try to move forward. A new bill in Minnesota would limit the ability of cities in the state to move forward on their own broadband networks. A Georgia bill with similar restrictions, however, has been shelved despite support from Republicans in theRead… Read more »

The Digital Age Pressures Courts to get with the Times

Technology and the courts are clashing in a big way. At the same time that we see court systems trying to take advantage of technology to increase transparency, we also see that same technology eroding the process. Karen Eltis, a professor at the University of Ottawa Law School and author of Courts, Litigants and theRead… Read more »

What’s my obligation?

During a meeting this past weekend I once again had the chance to interact with local government officials from all over the country. I attended an excellent session on social media, mostly to see the reactions and hear the questions from meeting attendees. What I heard from them was the same thing I had beenRead… Read more »

Twitter goes to Court, Career Frameworks, SES Mobility and March Madness Brackets!

Twitter goes to Court, Career Tips from Frank Digiammarino, SES Mobility and March Madness Brackets! by GovLoop Insights Happy Tuesday… Happy Pi Day… yes, March 14… or 3.14… get it? And just so we all feel like we’re back in school again… Pi is is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of any EuclideanRead… Read more »

Open Government: ICT for Citizen Engagement

Engaging with citizens is often referred to as a mechanism to foster accountability, ultimately improving the quality of policies and public services. However, when it comes to citizen participation, giving citizens a voice is only one part of the equation. Often overlooked is the process of institutional change that must pave the way and whichRead… Read more »

INSA Report: Cloud Computing: Risks, Benefits, and Mission Enhancement for the Intelligence Community

On 13 march 2012, the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) released a report culminating a years worth of interviews and continuing dialog with industry, academia and government on the mission needs and benefits of new approaches to Information Technology implementation in support of national security missions. The report, titled “Cloud Computing: Risks, Benefits, andRead… Read more »

Blog Tag Lists

There are now drop down lists of tags you can use when you add a blog post, and when you search for blog posts. When adding a blog post, you can choose zero, one or more than one tag (one at a time) from the list. But you must either choose a tag from theRead… Read more »

Let your People Services/HR team know – LinkedIn reaches three million Australian members

LinkedIn has just announced to members that it has reached three million Australian members, slightly over 10% of the population and roughly 30% of our working population. I hope People Services and Human Resources people across government are beginning to recognise the potential of the service for reaching professional people as potential hires and toRead… Read more »