
Twitter goes to Court, Career Frameworks, SES Mobility and March Madness Brackets!

Twitter goes to Court, Career Tips from Frank Digiammarino, SES Mobility and March Madness Brackets! by GovLoop Insights Happy Tuesday… Happy Pi Day… yes, March 14… or 3.14… get it? And just so we all feel like we’re back in school again… Pi is is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of any EuclideanRead… Read more »

Open Government: ICT for Citizen Engagement

Engaging with citizens is often referred to as a mechanism to foster accountability, ultimately improving the quality of policies and public services. However, when it comes to citizen participation, giving citizens a voice is only one part of the equation. Often overlooked is the process of institutional change that must pave the way and whichRead… Read more »

INSA Report: Cloud Computing: Risks, Benefits, and Mission Enhancement for the Intelligence Community

On 13 march 2012, the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) released a report culminating a years worth of interviews and continuing dialog with industry, academia and government on the mission needs and benefits of new approaches to Information Technology implementation in support of national security missions. The report, titled “Cloud Computing: Risks, Benefits, andRead… Read more »

Blog Tag Lists

There are now drop down lists of tags you can use when you add a blog post, and when you search for blog posts. When adding a blog post, you can choose zero, one or more than one tag (one at a time) from the list. But you must either choose a tag from theRead… Read more »

Let your People Services/HR team know – LinkedIn reaches three million Australian members

LinkedIn has just announced to members that it has reached three million Australian members, slightly over 10% of the population and roughly 30% of our working population. I hope People Services and Human Resources people across government are beginning to recognise the potential of the service for reaching professional people as potential hires and toRead… Read more »

Alabama chooses Deloitte to replace Medicaid eligibility determination system

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. Yesterday, the Alabama Medicaid Agency (AMA) announced a tentative contract award to Deloitte to replace the state’s 30-year-old Medicaid eligibility determination system (MEDS). The outdated system is finally getting an overhaul to account for the ever-growing Medicaid population, and to prepare for the influx of Medicaid enrollees in 2014 resultingRead… Read more »

Using Deliberative Methods to Engage the Public; Webinar Invitation – April 19, 2012

From the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: “The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) invites you and your colleagues to participate in a webinar to learn about how to design and implement an effective deliberative session to explore the views of patients, consumers, or other members of the community on challenging public problemsRead… Read more »

Measuring Metrics: How do you determine what’s worthwhile?

You get what you measure — that’s what they tell us, right? But online, you can measure just about everything. It can be overwhelming. Yet we know that better customer service… better agency performance… require that we measure. The Office of Management and Budget is now looking at federal agency Web metrics, and they’ve toldRead… Read more »

Devon’s Content Strategy

In previous posts I’ve talked about developing a content strategy for the council and shared my thoughts on what it might include, i’ve shared an example of how its already informing our development as well as sharing my thinking on the kind of support I believe web teams and local government in general need toRead… Read more »