
5 Social Media Tips to Promote Your #Gov 2.0 Mobile App

People and organizations are flocking to social media. Governments are no different. These channels are perfect opportunities to promote your mobile app solution. Note: This will be much more effective if you have a dedicated landing page with instructions to download your app. CitySourced has assets and copy which we can provide you in buildingRead… Read more »

Is Telework a Critical Benefit?

As someone who teleworks full-time and considers it a non-negotiable benefit, it’s a topic near and dear to my heart. Across government it would seem the tide is shifting in favor of telework, yet many employees still find barriers from management perception to lengthy delays in implementation. What about you – is telework a benefitRead… Read more »

Your City’s “Open” Sign

What’s the best way for cities to signal that they’re the place for technology startups to set up shop? Cities are making bold moves this year: This year New York City began developing a new applied sciences campus. This month, Chattanooga launched a “GeekMove” program which would pay tech startups to relocate to the cityRead… Read more »

Mobile and Your Council

First published here: Here are some numbers for you: Mobile market saturation – 100%[1] Smart phone saturation – 50%[1] Mobile Enabled Council Sites: 5%[2] So here we are in 2012, pretty much everyone has a mobile phone, half of them have a “smart phone” that is capable of accessing the Internet and all theRead… Read more »

Citizen Participation in Government and Journalism: a Future to Embrace with Caution

Two online articles, a Twitter exchange, and my own musings in the past few days have centered around the roles that “ordinary” citizens are adopting with the help of sensors and connectivity technology. The two articles that I noticed were Matthew Hall’s “Citizens as a Platform for Civic Improvement” and Robert Krulwich’s “The Three LittleRead… Read more »

Government Innovation YouTube Channels

This video highlights some favorite YouTube channels focused on government innovation. “GovGirl” Kristy from covers Gov2 TV hosted by Walter Schwabe, GovFreshTV by Luke Fretwell, AshInstitute by the Harvard Kennedy School and the GovInnovator channel by Andy Feldman. Videos posted on these channels are helpful for both government employees and citizens! Watch Kristy’s video:Read… Read more »

Stay The Course in the Q&A

All went according to plan. The CIO’s presentation at the online video conference grabbed the audience’s attention with a memorable storyline, visuals worthy of an Apple new product launch, and unmistakable “marching orders.” She told them why they should care and what she wanted them to do. But then came the Question-And-Answer period. An underpaidRead… Read more »