
Apps for Security: A terrific event and growing community supported by SAIC and SINET

I just received word of an exciting new community activity that is being supported by SAIC and SINET. The activity, under the banner “Apps for Security,” is a way of leveraging the power of human creativity and computer science plus a big dose of real data to seek solutions to key security challenges. SINET, asRead… Read more »

Cloudera Day in DC: Cloudera Manager and Enterprise

Another valuable pannel at the DC Cloudera Day was Todd Lipcon’s look into Hadoop management software Cloudera Manager available through Cloudera Enterprise. Cloudera is in the business of making Hadoop, the open source Big Data storage and analysis platform, easier for enterprises to adopt and, though the first step is their Cloudera Distribution Including ApacheRead… Read more »

Cloudera Day in DC: Cloudera Manager and Enterprise

Tweet Another valuable pannel at the DC Cloudera Day was Todd Lipcon’s look into Hadoop management software Cloudera Manager available through Cloudera Enterprise. Cloudera is in the business of making Hadoop, the open source Big Data storage and analysis platform, easier for enterprises to adopt and, though the first step is their Cloudera Distribution IncludingRead… Read more »

How do you manage a department that might not be around in a year?

The clock is ticking on the Recovery, Accountability and Transparency Board’s run. The group’s who’s got the worst acronym in government, the RAT board, is tasked with tracking the recovery-related funds. It’s a very visible job. But there’s a another catch, the watchdog agency might close in year. Kathleen Tighe just took over as theRead… Read more »

One True Expert

David Weinberger is one of my heroes. He was one of the four who wrote The Cluetrain Manifesto, which laid out the “why” of social media. He has a hot blog The Journal of Heuristic Organizations (JOHO), and he has a new book, Too Big To Know, one of several recent books defining how information,Read… Read more »

The end of the RAT Board, Information Overload and Undercover CEO — all that and more!

The end of the RAT Board, Information Overload and Undercover CEO, all that and more! by GovLoop Insights Here is what we have for you today… There is a new chief watchdog at the Recovery, Accountability and Transparency Board. It’s a visible job. She takes over from Earl Devaney. And she has a tough taskRead… Read more »

Wikis: Better Internal Communication During Crisis

You’ve worked all day. At 6 p.m., a crisis within your agency or city now demands your all-night attention. For communication professionals handling media requests, the difficulty of maintaining message continuity is a common dilemma. When a colleague finally rescues you after an all-nighter, you then face the task of communicating about communication. What mediaRead… Read more »

Will Machines Always Make Life Easier?

There was a time when we stopped looking at machines as making our lives’ easier and started looking at the jobs they were replacing–and, indeed, they began replacing jobs. Some people were much in hate with machines then–except the owners and inventors. My apologies to those of you who develop training apps and sell theRead… Read more »