
NASA Visualization Explorer App

NASA released the Visualization Explorer App to allow users to receive weekly cutting edge stories and video about NASA’s fleet of research spacecraft via tablet. Visualization Explorer is one of a number of mobile products that were implemented as part of NASA’s mobile strategy. This app, which is available only on the iPad, allows: ThisRead… Read more »

Kicking off a month dedicated to social work

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. With the clutter of media on rising health care costs, Medicaid reform, health insurance exchange (HIX) implementation, and related topics, we often lose sight of the human and social services side of this industry. March is National Social Worker Month, and Deltek’s health care and social services team thought thisRead… Read more »

The rising price of health care costs – Round 2

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. As Deltek continues to analyze states’ fiscal year (FY) 2013 budgets, we are taking an even deeper look at Medicaid spending amongst states. In February, Deltek analyzed the following FY 2013 proposed budgets: Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Vermont. Total Medicaid spending among the selectedRead… Read more »

What’s the Playlist for your Career?

Listening to music can generate powerful reactions and emotions. Instantly when we hear a particular song, we’re transported to another time and place in our lives – sometimes we wax nostaligically about those times while it may also remind us of a time we were struggling with an event or a broken heart. I’ve alwaysRead… Read more »

8 Ways Government Can Engage Citizens – From GovGirl Kristy Fifelski

This week I sat in a webinar hosted by GovDelivery that featured “GovGirl” Kristy Fifelski. The title of the presentation was “You’re on Social Media…Now What?” Kristy walked through great examples and provided a handful of interesting case studies of social media from the state, local and federal level. You can listen to an archivedRead… Read more »

Why Passwords Will Remain Relevant: Duress

With the continued rise in home-based and mobile working, the possibility of people being forced to access and potentially modify data during encounters with ne’er-do-wells becomes a genuine security issue. For example, while there haven’t been many cases reported yet, the time will come when the kid lurking in the alley with the switchblade, isn’tRead… Read more »