
Social Media in Government Reading Discussion: Farhad Manjoo’s “True Enough”

This week, we read Farhad Manjoo’s True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society Why I assigned this reading This is the first book we’ve read that throws some cold water on social media in government. The central thesis–to which we’ve all been exposed–is that people have pretty much made up their minds aboutRead… Read more »

The New Ambiguity of “Open Government”

David Robinson and I have just released a draft paper—The New Ambiguity of “Open Government”—that describes, and tries to help solve, a key problem in recent discussions around online transparency. As the paper explains, the phrase “open government” has become ambiguous in a way that makes life harder for both advocates and policymakers, by combiningRead… Read more »

Progress and promise: The original HIEs

Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. With the other HIE, health insurance exchanges, now taking the market by storm, it is easy to forget the exchange that first caught our attention and dominated our coverage for so long: health information exchanges (HIEs). Indeed, even a cursory glance back at the written analysis of our health careRead… Read more »

Entreprelooza! A Celebration of DC Area Entrepreneurship

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Startup DC in partnership with Startup America and Microsoft has announced Entreprelooza! is occuring on Tuesday, March 6th at what was previously a Borders bookstore on 18th and L St. NW in Washington, DC. It will be a 70,000 square foot celebration of all things geeky, startup, and entrepreneurial inRead… Read more »

Digital Destruction

An excellent video from Erik Qualman. A progression from the death of the wrist watch to the emergence of the Digital Leader. Destruction may seem a harsh term to some. After all, these devices and services have been replaced by something better. All of it social. However, that being said the way some of theRead… Read more »

Top 4 Aspects of Improving Efficiency in the Cloud

This morning I attended the Improving Efficiency in the Cloud GovLoop roundtable sponsored by Oracle. Cloud technology has been one of the hot topics in government for the past several months. As government is challenged by the dire budget situation and fiscal uncertainty, agencies are tasked to be more innovative to meet mission critical initiatives.Read… Read more »

Someone unfollowed me?! But why?! #Twitter

Welcome to Twitter Following you: 425… Refresh 427… “Yes!” Refresh 419… “Wait what? Who unfollowed me and why?!” It happens, many times it’s just bots coming and going, but occasionally something distasteful or obnoxious was posted; other times it’s just because of consecutive uninteresting posts. So what’s driven you to click the unfollow button forRead… Read more »

Act of Valor: Combining Real-Life Heroism and Cutting Edge Technology

At HP, we’re committed to providing premier technology that helps in the management of the forces protecting our nation. In addition to the real-life work we’re doing with the U.S. military and federal government, HP products are also helping to bring the stories of the battlefield to life on the big screen in movies likeRead… Read more »