
GovBytes: Missouri Judges Video-Conference

There’s been a lot of chatter on GovLoop recently about government moving to video-conferencing instead of in-person meetings. Though your office may be having trouble making the move, Missouri’s 4th Judicial Circuit has installed five hi-definition video cameras which will be used mostly for juvenile justice matters, saving travel and scheduling expenses. The system mayRead… Read more »

Green Building Skills Training Funding Announced

At the end of last week, the DOE and Commerce Department announced that they had teamed up to provide $1.3 million for green building skills training through the Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program. The funding is intended for training programs that will increase energy efficiency, reduceRead… Read more »

We need to stop talking about social media disasters and talk about management failures

I am beginning to get a little tired of all the headlines in the media about ‘social media disasters’. A social media disaster is when Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Blogger or another social media service goes offline for an extended period of time, has user account information stolen or loses data. These are all situations whereRead… Read more »

DigitalGov Social Media Open House

It would be inevitable to have Social Media Week in DC and not have a hosted event to showcase the exciting technologies and social media initiatives in the federal government. The federal government is a major piece of the culture in Washington, DC. The city of DC is full of historical museums, monuments, and federalRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 17, 2012

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week was Social Media Week around the world, and here in DC we participated in Gov 2.0 style. To start things off: Agencies +1 new social media platforms. The State Department has joined Google+ and the Army, Navy, and Coast Guard are now on Pinterest. (Read this great primer on what, exactly,Read… Read more »

The Autonomous Economy

I walk into an airport, feed a credit card into the kiosk, which spits out a boarding pass. At the same time, my seat is blocked, my meal, beer, and pillow are released, TSA knows I am coming, the gate knows I am coming, the flight crew knows I am coming, the incoming gate atRead… Read more »