
APT: Useful or Buzzword?

Advanced Persistent Threats have been around for some years, and they are not going away The term Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) is often regarded somewhat suspiciously by security professionals, seeing as it how it can be a buzzword that obscures actual analysis of the dynamics of cyber attacks or a diplomatic fiction because it’s notRead… Read more »

Energy Company Takes the Plunge on Wave Power

Wave power is one of those technologies that has yet to come of age, but that many believe holds great promise. Now, across the pond, one company has decided to give it a try. Ecotricity, a UK-based company that has traditionally built wind turbines, is now developing Searaser, an invention that “harnesses the almost constantRead… Read more »

Happy Valentine’s Day NCDD!

I hope our readers will forgive a personal note, but I wanted to send my thanks out to Barbara Chappell, principal consultant at Simply Speaking Seanachai, an Australian consultancy “dedicated to improving relationships between, people, communities and decision makers”. In a recent message to her mailing list, she said some really nice things about NCDD’sRead… Read more »

Open for Business: Leveraging Open Government to Improve Agency Operations, Part 2

This is the second post in a three part series about the newly released Open Text report, Open For Business: Leveraging Open Government to Improve Agency Operations. I’d encourage you to check out the newly released open government analyst briefing by the Government Business Council, the research arm of Government Executive magazine, and OpenText. TheRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Thinking outside the Box & Inside the Blog

Here in Govloop – and in the world of recruitment – we talk lot about rocking your résumé and writing creative cover letters. With good reason, because these are essential elements needed to grab the attention of potential employers. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. However, I came across an article that reminded meRead… Read more »

Six Ways Politicians Can Use Pinterest

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — If you were living in a cave during the last quarter of 2011, you may have missed out on hearing about Pinterest – the hottest new social platform to hit the tech scene in some time. Judged by leading tech blog TechCrunch as the best new startup of 2011, PinterestRead… Read more »

Government Checkbook 2.0

The office of the New York City Comptroller has a great web site that provides a comprehensive look, updated daily, at nearly every check issued by the city. The current Comptroller web site is being updated to provide detailed information about the contracts related to each individual payment, city vendors and the contracts they’re workingRead… Read more »

Designed by PROVOC

We needed a new website, bad. A technology company without a handsome website, is like a jockey without a horse – going nowhere, fast. The stakes were high, not only did our site have to be chock-full of helpful information, but it had look good — the curent site was definitely not going entice would-beRead… Read more »