
I Stand for My Rights & Privacy: The Coming Online Police State

“He can either stand with us or with the child pornographers.” This was Mr. Toews’s, the Minister of Justice, counterattack to a question in the house regarding concerns of letting the police monitor citizens internet use without a warrant. Apparently this is our choice: a big brother state or child pornography. This is, of course,Read… Read more »

The Social Media Paradox: Hurting Your Career by Helping Your Company

It’s social media week all over DC and other major cities this week which basically means a ton of FREE great conferences and workshops. I’d encourage you to check them out here: With all that said I attended the Ethics in Social Media workshop this afternoon and there were some eye popping numbers. FirstRead… Read more »

What does it take to be a leader in government IT?

Government IT is a fickle world that requires leaders to utilize multiple skillsets to achieve success. This world has many moving parts, and if not managed properly, could break down and create mayhem. What do leaders in government technology need to do to be successful? Here are two suggestions… First, leaders must build a solidRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: 2Day in #OpenGov 2/13/2012

Policy Fellow Matt Rumsey wrote this post. Here is the week’s first look at transparency-related news items, congressional committee hearings, transparency-related bills introduced in Congress, and transparency-related events. News Roundup: Campaign Finance A major donor to the Rick Santorum supporting Red, White, and Blue Fund, Wyoming Millionaire Foster Friess, was at CPAC last week toRead… Read more »

New Member

Hello Everyone, I’d like to introduce myself, my organization, and interests to fellow members. Efficient construction product delivery methods (integrated project delivery/IPD), job order contracting/JOC), construction/renovation/repair/sustainability cost databases, BIM as an integrated process, cloud computing, and facility life-cycle management are my core interests. Our firm’s software and solutions support over 80% of United States AirRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Anonymous targets Alabama in latest attacks by the cyber-insurgency

Anonymous, whether viewed as an online force for good or hackers disguised as do-gooders, have undeniably far-reaching capabilities. They’ve demonstrated this again Friday (2/10/2012) by announcing that they had hacked local and state law enforcement in Alabama to gain access to the information of 46,000 residents. The information includes social security numbers, license plate numbers,Read… Read more »

Please visit the AIIM Conference (and see @BobGourley speak!)

The AIIM conference is a great learning opportunity for all IT professionals Every year, the AIIM Conference meets to provide excellent keynotes and other speakers. This year our editor, Bob Gourley will be speaking on Big Data. The conference is March 20-22 at the Grand Hyatt in San Francisco. The topic for this year isRead… Read more »

Passwords Suck

Passwords alone aren’t enough any more… Passwords suck. They are long, hard to remember (even if you have easier-to-remember phrases), moreso when new, and are largely a difficulty for users to user properly. Combined with the fact that many users choose easy-to-guess or easy-to-ascertain passwords based off of commonly-known facts about themselves and that theyRead… Read more »

Mobile Gov Wikithon #4 Recap

The “Bring a Friend” Mobile Gov Wikithon held last week was an overwhelming success! Attendees in Bethesda, MD, Washington, D.C. and those online discussed mHealth initiatives, consuensus mobile good practices and created content for the Mobile Gov Wiki. You can see everything that was done during the Wikithon at this link. Thanks for the attendeesRead… Read more »

Making Large-Scale Collaborations Effective: Lessons from “Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science”

In 1999, the reigning world chess champion played against 50,000 people through the Internet. Entitled “Kasparov versus the World,” chess players (experts and amateurs) collaborated to play the black pieces while Kasparov alone played the white pieces. Anyone can suggest a move, discuss the moves, and vote on moves. Whichever move received the highest voteRead… Read more »