
Making Large-Scale Collaborations Effective: Lessons from “Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science”

In 1999, the reigning world chess champion played against 50,000 people through the Internet. Entitled “Kasparov versus the World,” chess players (experts and amateurs) collaborated to play the black pieces while Kasparov alone played the white pieces. Anyone can suggest a move, discuss the moves, and vote on moves. Whichever move received the highest voteRead… Read more »

National Science Foundation Emphasizes Cloud Computing Security and Efficiency

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — As reported by Camille Tuutti at Federal Computer Week, the National Science Foundation (NSF) has plans to invest resources into understanding various aspects of cloud computing, in particular how to make it more energy efficient, and how to make it more secure from hackers and other kinds of digital intrusion.Read… Read more »

Advice from A Retired Public Servant

Social Connect via: The public service is good at many things and yet faces challenges in many others. One area of great personal interest is the demographic shift as aging baby boomers retire from the public service. One important element of this retirement is the loss of institutional and corporate knowledge that has the potentialRead… Read more »

Resources on Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue

This post was submitted by our good friends and long-time NCDD members Len and Libby Traubman… Elie Wiesel said, and we experience: “People become the stories they hear and the stories they tell.” We are part of a 19-year-old Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue preparing for its 238th meeting here on the San Francisco Peninsula. ToRead… Read more »

Living on the edge in social media – two case studies of Australian social media issues

Back in November 2010 I attended a Garner conference to speak about Gov 2.0. I was also able to attend a workshop about social media use in the banking industry. At the time I estimated that the banking industry was 2-3 years behind government in their social media effectiveness. That impression has been reinforced thisRead… Read more »