
What a Twitter map can and cannot tell: The Gates Foundation Twitter network

The Twitter network below was created by Marc Smith, Social Media Research Foundation. He used it in a recent workshop on Social Media Network Analysis that I organized here at Syracuse University on January 19-20. I picked it up and posted it here on my Social Media in the Public Sector blog, because it relatesRead… Read more »

Less TV, more Internet

The first Google Plus Hangout from The White House with a sitting president was watched by hundreds of thousands of people* online earlier tonight. My immediate takeaway? The forum featured real questions on significant issues, with genuine citizen-president interactions, with back and forth conversation. That was precisely the promise of the platform that I consideredRead… Read more »

Should Ministerial staff reveal their affiliations when commenting on political matters online?

Much of Australia’s population doesn’t realise there is a difference between Australia’s public servants, who are employed and work for the state in an apolitical fashion, and Ministerial and other political advisers and staff, who are employed and work directly for politicians and political partie. However there is a crucial difference at the moment asRead… Read more »

SAP Basis Administration in Denver, CO

The state of Colorado’s Office of Information Technology currently has openings in the ERP workgroup at the Department of Transportation (CDOT), including SAP Basis Administration! See the detailed position description at

Social Media: Is it Worth it?

As the Information Age progresses and is still in its infancy, the transfer of information has become nearly instant. Government has been using Twitter and Facebook to connect with its constituents, though some say that social media in government is unnecessary. Others suggest that government should serve citizens the best way possible, including utilizing socialRead… Read more »

Open for Business: Leveraging Open Government to Improve Agency Operations, Part I

This is the first post in a three part series about the newly released report, Open for Business: Leveraging Open Government to Improve Agency Operations. I’d encourage you to check out the Open Government Analyst briefing by the Government Business Council, the research arm of Government Executive magazine and OpenText . The report includes aRead… Read more »

We’re going to PyCon!

PyCon is the largest annual gathering for the community using the Python programming language. The conference has been growing in size tremendously over the past couple years (this year will feature more than 90 talks and 30 tutorials). Today, Code for America is happy to announce we’ll be one of the F/OSS sponsors — meaningRead… Read more »

State & Local Pension Investments Grow, Recovery Continues, & GovCon Prospects Improve

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. The U.S. Census rather quietly produced a report this month on public employee retirement systems. Overall, pension news is very good and improving, with balances improving in FY 2010 after two straight years of losses. For FY 2010, cash and investment holdings for state-administered pensions increased to $2.2 TrillionRead… Read more »