
Increased Investment for Cyber in Tightening Pentagon Budget

Nextgov is reporting that the forthcoming 2013 budget for the Department of Defense will include increased investment in cyber capabilities. This comes amid plans to reduce the overall DOD budget by $487 billion over the next ten years. The top-line “Defense Budget Priorities and Choices” paper released by the Pentagon “highlights the increasing importance ofRead… Read more »

Personal Analytics? Can Tech Save the [work] Day?

“We are entering an era of personal analytics where we can take control of our own data, display it in a dashboard, and use it to inform better life decisions, according to Martin Blinder, founder and CEO of Tictrac, speaking at Intelligence Squared’s If Conference.” Tictrac is in beta, and from what I can tell,Read… Read more »

#FedTweets network going strong…

Yesterday, I created the first #FedTweets network and shared the relatively sparse initial set of connections. Today, Justin Herman, Scott Horvath, Tammie Marcoullier, and Stacey Palosky presented their insights on how they use Twitter in their agencies. The presenters encouraged the participants to heavily use the #FedTweets hashtag to keep the conversation going beyond theRead… Read more »

Is the tablet stylus making a comeback?

Is the tablet stylus making a comeback? by Marguerite Reardon January 26, 2012 12:08 PM PST <:time class=datestamp> <:time class=datestamp> Samsung Galaxy Note If indie bands can dress like Fleetwood Mac circa 1975, and women in New York City can sport leg warmers like “Flashdance” extras, why can’t Samsung bring back the stylus pen forRead… Read more »

Exploring the evolution of insurance exchanges: quality assurance services

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. Continuing this week’s blog series recognizing Deltek’s recently-released report, “Evolving Health Insurance Exchanges,” we’re drawing attention to an element of health insurance exchanges (HIXs) that has thus far received little attention: quality assurance (QA) services. The lack of focus on these services can be easily pinned to the early natureRead… Read more »

When will we see gamification in government?

Gamification refers to the practice of making non-game activities more like games by incorporating achievement-based reward systems. Under gamification, using government examples, when your project or mission is complete you might receive a ‘completion badge’ (such as a letter from the Secretary, an Australia Day Award, or a medal). Or when you attain a higherRead… Read more »

Exploring the evolution of insurance exchanges: We are all connected

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. Today’s blog marks day 3 of Deltek’s health care and social services team’s blog series centered on our recently-released report, “Evolving Health Insurance Exchanges.” The report provides an in-depth analysis of states and their steps toward implementing these one-stop shops. It also provides high-level recommendations for vendors trying to getRead… Read more »

Lloyd on GovCamp

The group blog collecting people’s thoughts is really good reading. Lloyd hits the nail on the head here: We do it this way because it works and because we’ve seen the alternative really fail big time again and again. Because it’s unusual for most of us and outside of our everyday experience, it’s tempting toRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Only a Smarter Congress Can Make Better Internet Policy

Recent calls for technologists to hire lobbyists to educate Washington on internet issues miss a significant part of the big picture. Congress makes bad technology decisions because it has dismantled its ability to evaluate policy issues. While public mobilization and lobbying efforts can affect decision-making through political pressure, lobbying to educate congress on technology issuesRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Tools for Transparency: URL Builder for Google Analytics

The Google Analytics URL Builder is a simple tool that helps you track traffic statistics for specific campaign related links. The tool works by adding parameters to a link from a page on your site that you then track using Google Analytics. When running an advertising or social media campaign, this is incredibly handy forRead… Read more »