
Tracking social media sharing with Google event tracking

I mentioned a while ago some great training we had with Andrew Hood on Google Analytics. The one big thing that we have followed up is setting up some event tracking. These are actions that involve some kind of interaction with a site usually involving clicking on something. Helpfully the new version of Google AnalyticsRead… Read more »

10 Highlights from the Government Customer Satisfaction Forum

This morning I attended the 2012 Government Customer Satisfaction Forum: Annual Results for the Federal Government, the event was sponsored by Federal Consulting Group and the National Business Center (DOI). Here was the agenda for the conference, followed by my quick notes and insights for the presentation: Keynote Speaker: Ron Raborg, Deputy Commissioner for QualityRead… Read more »

Deltek Justice/Public Safety 2012 Predictions: Radio Communications

Deltek Analyst Luke Harris reports. Looking ahead in 2012, the radio communications market will see public safety agencies concentrate their efforts largely in one area: narrowbanding. The Federal Communications Commission’s looming narrowbanding mandate has many entities scrambling to meet requirements and is sure to keep the technology associated with fulfilling those requirements a hot topicRead… Read more »

FedCyber Webinar: The Security Development Lifecycle

Tweet On Friday, 16 December, Michael Howard hosted a webinar for FedCyber on the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), Howard is Microsoft’s Principal Security Architect with nearly 20 years of experience in the field and literally wrote the book on SDL, a topic that keeps growing more relevant. This year, the federal government put intoRead… Read more »

FedCyber Webinar: The Security Development Lifecycle

On Friday, 16 December, Michael Howard hosted a webinar for FedCyber on the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL), Howard is Microsoft’s Principal Security Architect with nearly 20 years of experience in the field and literally wrote the book on SDL, a topic that keeps growing more relevant. This year, the federal government put into policyRead… Read more »

A Tale of Two States

The state in the darkest shade of blue on the map above is New York. In New York in 2009, per person energy consumption was 196 million BTUs. This was the most efficient number, as a state, in the nation. The state in the darkest shade of orange on the map above is Wyoming. InRead… Read more »

Apps – An “Aha!” or the New Four Letter Word?

With over half a million apps in iTunes, over 1 billion app downloads in Blackberry App World, & Amazon’s Appstore up and running, it’s hard to ignore the impact they’ve had on consumers. From Angry Birds and Uno to Handy Level and baby name generators, the app world has lit up countless mobile devices withRead… Read more »

Say THIS next time you attend a Chamber event

Attend any local chamber or social function, meet somebody new, the first thing asked of you: what do you do? In this new digital world, it’s getting harder to answer that question because you’re probably doing more than one thing. That’s where your brand, how you package yourself/your business, especially online, becomes important. What doRead… Read more »

Big week for insurance exchanges: White House releases report, as does Deltek

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. On Wednesday, Jan. 18, the White House released a report on state efforts in implementing health insurance exchanges. The timing of this report comes as no surprise considering the Supreme Court ruling on health reform is just around the corner. In fact, its timing perfectly aligns with Deltek’s latest report,Read… Read more »