
Sprint M2M Solution: Asset & People Tracking “Mobile Resource Management”

Sprint has a reputation for being a leader in the industry when it comes to location-based services. For over a decade we have been helping innovative companies vastly improve the way they manage assets, track people, improve service levels and act as positive agents for societal change. The proof is in the expansive range ofRead… Read more »

NOAA Transitions to the Cloud

By Doug Krueger Originally posted on Federal Blue Print In response to the Office of Management and Budget’s directive that all agencies must move at least three services to the cloud by May 2012, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has officially completed its transition to a cloud-based Google email system. As the largestRead… Read more »

Loss of Trust and the Role of Government

A record 84 percent of Americans say they disapprove of the way the Congress is doing its job compared with just 13 percent who approve of how things are going, according to a Washington Post/ABC News public opinion poll published on Monday.Research has shown that a primary reason for low approval ratings is that mostRead… Read more »

State Government YouTube – YouTube Agrees to Modified Terms of Service after Negotiations with NASCIO

Big news for those in state government web today… LEXINGTON, Ky., January 17, 2012 — Following lengthy discussionsinvolving members of the National Association of State ChiefInformation Officers (NASCIO) Social Media Legal Workgroup, YouTube hasagreed to modify the terms of service exclusively for state government.The new terms resolve a series of legal issues around indemnificationand courtRead… Read more »

GSA Launches Pilot 12-Week Social Media Training

This post has been updated to highlight the role of GSA’s Web Manager University. Starting February 7, I’ll be leading a 12-week social media in government course that aims to help new and aspiring social media practitioners understand the strategy and tools that will help the succeed in their roles. The class is being offeredRead… Read more »

Deltek Justice/Public Safety 2012 Predictions: Justice and Corrections

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. Correctional facilities are among the most heavily guarded and secure locations in the county. This strong level of security is achieved both through increased manpower and vast technological networks designed to allow only certain people into specific areas of a facility, while simultaneously tracking the locations of every person inRead… Read more »

Five organizing tips for a successful open government unconference

Original appearance on Joining the open source (and CityCamp) movement has been one of the best experiences of my life. I’ve been involved with open source for over a decade, but I never got involved in a community project in any significant way–until I found CityCamp. I haven’t submitted a single line of code,Read… Read more »

Managing Bureaucratization

Controlling an organization is difficult. The larger the organization, the more complex is the process of control. We don’t think about it too much, but what we are trying to control are changes that naturally occur. The drivers of changes are many and can be hidden in the layers of the organization. The internal driversRead… Read more »