Taking a look at MTA App Quest
As the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (NY) MTA App Quest public voting period comes to an end, a reporter tried out some of the 42 submissions. Original post
As the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (NY) MTA App Quest public voting period comes to an end, a reporter tried out some of the 42 submissions. Original post
In light of the recent call for input regarding public participation best practices, it’s always interesting to compare how that question is being answered abroad. Here’s a 2010 document by Planning Aid England, which is part of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), the UK’s “leading planning body for spatial, sustainable, integrative and inclusive planning”:Read… Read more »
Via Alex Moll on Twitter, I just came across OpenGov.gr, the website for the Greek Open Government Initiative. From the English language version: Opengov.gr has been designed to serve the principles of transparency, deliberation, collaboration and accountability and includes three initiatives: Οpen calls for the recruitment of public administration officials. Top level and mid-level openingsRead… Read more »
Stocks opened with a bang on the first trading day of 2012, but we actually saw the week’s highs hit within the first hour of trading in the new year. For the TSP, the C-fund gained 1.67% on the week, the S-fund was up 1.65%, the I-fund lost 0.41% because of rally in the dollar,Read… Read more »
Love the idea of the new government-focused startup accelerator created by Code for America. We need more talented entrepreneurs working hard to solving government problems (instead of just creating iphone apps or another new games). Government is a huge market so it’s potentially lucrative for entrepreneurs and also really meaningful as there are deeply importantRead… Read more »
Update Here is a video of me talking about the VGN at the PS Engage conference. http://www.vimeo.com/32839611 ————— Original post with a link to the paper. ————— The following material comes from a paper I recently finished as part of my studies. I took the opportunity to combine what I have learned about Information ManagementRead… Read more »
In my career I have known some amazing public sector CIOs. As I return to a leadership position in global public sector at Salesforce, I want to pay things forward and embrace the new set of public sector technology leaders. If we were to embrace a few state and local governments to work with deeply,Read… Read more »
Streets are tricky things. I was reading Car Parking vs. parks vs. restaurant patios, over on Richard Layman’s blog, Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space. It is a short but good article that made me think about why we don’t allow more uses of on-street “parking spaces”. The strip of street running parallel to theRead… Read more »
The .Gov Task Force has issued the State of the Federal Web report, summarizing its surveys and the national brainstorming effort it sponsored. It’s a terrific report, full of great data and even better analysis. If you care at all about how customer service in the federal government functions (or should function), this is aRead… Read more »
In the process of re-creating another post from my old web site–this one on an interesting point of view on the discovery of California by European explorers as opposed to the native population who were then present–I concluded the material was too long for a regular blog posting. So, I turned the material into aRead… Read more »