
Rainmaker 10 – Tune Your Work For The Internet

Definition – A Rainmaker creates a significant amount of new business. Anybody here ever seen or used this Internet thingie? How long have you had access to the internet? In the last 15 years, how have you adapted your work to take advantage of the internet? Why? Name a company that has really taken advantageRead… Read more »

NMCI and VMware Infrastructure

VMware helps the NMCI run smoothly The Navy Marine Corps Intranet is the largest individual network in the world. The only larger network is the Internet. This huge network sprawl requires a great deal of strategy, concern and planning. Over 700,000 users rely on the intranet to receive IT services. This is a huge network,Read… Read more »

When Social Media Experts Don’t Look Beyond Social Media: GoDaddy, Mashable and Kernel

This week, while enjoying a little down time, I’ve been peeking online from time to time to see what has been going on with the Go Daddy boycott. For those who haven’t been following the story, Go Daddy, a internet domain registration company, came out in support of SOPA – a proposed US law that,Read… Read more »

IT Vendors: Beware the Overselling of K-12 Virtual Education

Deltek Sr. Manager Chris Dixon reports. A recent Associated Press story on K-12 distance learning perfectly captures all the perils IT vendors face in the overselling of virtual learning. IT vendors should recognize that the potential total number of students who can be enrolled in K-12 online programs is limitless. However, the real gains fromRead… Read more »