
A look at the Google Ecosystem

Please +1 this article…I’ll be your very best Google+ friend!!! Recently, Dillon Behr (@dbehr24) wrote a great piece about how the consumer technology ecosystem has almost completely fractured – breaking into walled gardens. Those of Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft and the rest are all creating ecosystems with low barriers to entry, but even higher barriersRead… Read more »

Look Out! Driverless Vehicles are on the Horizon

After writing the other day about Google’s car and the promise it holds for the future of our transportation, I was sent an awesome article written by Thomas Bamonte titled Information Becomes Infrastructure: Remaking the Highway Operating System in the Era of Smart Cars. Throughout the article, Bamonte, past general counsel for the Illinois StateRead… Read more »

As law enforcement moves to cloud, security concerns loom large

Government agencies at all levels are examining how to use cloud services as a means of upgrading their systems while maximizing value. Moving to cloud can allow agencies to condense sprawling IT systems, offer more mobility options and manage legacy systems. However, along with all of this convenience comes a significant security headache. Many agenciesRead… Read more »

Cleveland considering radio system partnership

Deltek Analyst Joanna Salini reports. The city of Cleveland and the Ohio Southwest Regional Communications Network (SWRCN) are considering a radio communications partnership. Cleveland had budgeted more than $30 million for the build out of a new radio system that was awarded to Motorola earlier this year, and as part of this costly endeavor, theRead… Read more »

Don’t Outsource Social Media to Interns

I’m old enough to remember the early days of the web. Back then (not too long ago, the 1990s), organizations didn’t take this online medium seriously. The web site paled in importance to the newsletter or magazine, at least according the leaders of the time. After all, who reads things on a computer? The InternetRead… Read more »


I was watching a loser grinding to make a mark at a party. The more he tried, the worse he did. It was drunk and ugly. Suddenly I got it. To gain respect, you have to be respectable. Changed my relationship with the word. Previously respectable was nose in the air, Viennese middle class, notRead… Read more »

Breathe2Relax App

The National Center for Telehealth and Technology develops technologies to support psychological health and traumatic brain injury recovery in the military community. They developed the Breathe2Relax appto help with mood control, anger and stabilization. The Breathe2Relax app, available on the iOS and Android, helps users learn the stress management skill called diaphragmatic breathing. According toRead… Read more »