
Recovering from the Recovery Act, Part 3

President Obama created a new oversight board in June 2011 as part of his new Campaign to Cut Government Waste. He directed it to report to him in December on ways to improve accountability, based on lessons from the implementation of the Recovery Act. That report is now out. President Obama created the Government AccountabilityRead… Read more »

Why senior managers need to lead online

I wrote a thing for the Guardian’s Public Leaders’ Network: The explosion in online innovation throughout public services is seeing more and more activity taking place on the net, whether via interactive websites, or mobile applications. Networks such as Twitter and Facebook provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and problem solving on a scale unimaginable previouslyRead… Read more »

The year of living helpfully” src=”×396.png” alt=”Me at govcamp (Photo: Paul Clarke –” width=”550″ height=”396″ /> It’s been 18 months since I last walked the mean streets of Westminster as a civil servant. There are things I miss about the old lifestyle: having the scope to run with projects on the ‘inside’, being in the loop on theRead… Read more »

Maryland crafts sustainable growth plan

Maryland is creating its first long-range plan for sustainable growth. “PlanMaryland,” is the culmination of state mandate first outlined in the 1970s. The plan is designed to combine smart growth projects more effectively with state government programs to facilitate a coordinated public and private process. During the coming year, state agencies will work to identifyRead… Read more »

Online Reputation Management, Personal Branding, Digital Footprints and SMM

Once in a while I like to analyze various search trends taking place in my industry. I do this primarily to see which terms are sticking and to gauge demand for specific business offerings. I first predicted a drastic rise in interest for “social media monitoring” information 4 years ago. Search for the term hasRead… Read more »

Unlocking Creative Potential – A Neuroscience Approach, Part II

Sandy Cormack, a personal and organizational consultant, continues with his installments of Unlocking Creative Potential. He uses a neuroscience-based approach to team building, leadership development, creativity and innovation, change management, and business strategy development. You could say the human brain is really the last frontier. We use only a small part of it, but increasingRead… Read more »

Those Who Cannot Find the Past…

or, rather: Those Who Cannot Remember Find the Past… by Keith Knapp, SF2012 Along with my fellow fellows Shaibya Dalal, Carla Hansen and Janice Levy, I’m currently working on a small team project seeking to push forward the vision of San Francisco as a living laboratory for testing of innovative clean energy solutions – akaRead… Read more »

What’s the most important Gov 2.0 or open government story of 2011? Why?

2011 is almost over and, with the promise of new year, it’s time to look back at the year that was. Here on Govloop, the community has already been discussing the issue of the year. So far, the threat of a government shutdown has led the list. A related issue –“austerity” — was the storyRead… Read more »