
Admitting the Problem is Only the First Step

The recent New York Times Op-Ed piece, “The Unaddressed Link Between Poverty and Education” laid bare the facts that many of us know all too well, that is, students from disadvantaged households have many more educational challenges that their peers from more socioeconomically affluent households. While economic challenges certainly impact a child’s academic performance, there’sRead… Read more »

Roundtable Promises Meaningful (Online) Conversations

Reading Clay Johnson’s response to the White House’s request for input, I came across Roundtable, a new take on building an online environment for “meaningful conversations” currently under development. From their blog: At Roundtable we’re all about empowering meaningful conversations – between thought leaders, between friends, and between curated communities of strangers. There is littleRead… Read more »

MITA maturity levels in states

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. At the end of November, I wrote a blog and an analyst perspective (log-in required) about the draft Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) 3.0 document that has been released for comment. A large part of MITA rests on the State Self-Assessment (MITA SS-A), which is used to determine a state’sRead… Read more »


The relational database has long been regarded as the backbone of today’s government IT infrastructure. However, the 21st century information landscape is rapidly changing and the traditional approach of solving data challenges is no longer feasible. The International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that the volume of digital content will increase by nearly fifty percent fromRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Could nationwide ban on texting/phone calls while driving be coming?

Most of us are guilty. I’ve done, you’ve probably done it. Yesterday, The National Transportation Safety Board made recommendations for a nationwide ban on the use of any electronic devices while driving, The recommendations came after a tragic highway accident last year in Gray Summit, Mo., in which two people were killed and 38 wereRead… Read more »

Evernote: Productivity Tools For Government Contractors

I know I normally write about about GSA Contractsand federal government Marketing, but I figure if you are reading this you are a federal government Contractor or employee and continually hunting for productivity tools. I have already been using Evernote for a few years now, but only recently has the impact of how useful thisRead… Read more »