Do You Know How to Adapt to Climate Change?
GOVgreen Attendees do, now! Visit the GOVgreen YouTube channel for more post-plenary interviews. Original post
GOVgreen Attendees do, now! Visit the GOVgreen YouTube channel for more post-plenary interviews. Original post
We caught up with our Plenary Session participants yesterday to talk a bit more about sustainability in their respective companies. Visit the GOVgreen YouTube site for more interviews. Original post
Wow… the college football season… almost over… but stay tuned for our college football bowl pick’em contest right here on Govloop!! This will tide you through the holiday season, until get get to college hoops… Inclement Weather Policy Changes and Potential Salary Freeze Let’s start, though, with some important government news… OPM has updated itsRead… Read more »
As an avid reader of books, blogs, and articles, I’m always looking for ways to capture the key nuggets of knowledge to organize, apply, and share in the future. I currently use Google Docs to capture my notes from these various sources, but it has been a challenge to keep my research organized. My KindleRead… Read more »
First, my social media mantra was something I said and tweeted: mission, tool, metrics, teach. Then it was a blog post. Now I’ve created a workshop that I delivered recently at a conference. It combines several other presentations and things I’ve said and written over the past few years. At the conference, people sat 4-5Read… Read more »
Android has been plagued by malware, security vulnerabilities, and now, privacy issues. It started with HTC’s logging application which over-zealously logged aspects of phone use in insecure ways which made that data accessible by any application, and more recently has come to a head with the discovery of the carrier IQ application. The Carrier IQRead… Read more »
Today marks the beginning of the last month of the year, but it also is a reminder for us about the importance of bringing HIV/AIDS to an end. Today is World AIDS Day. A time for education and action regarding the disease that still is affecting many worldwide. Phil Wilson, CEO of the Black AIDSRead… Read more »
It used to take years for revolutions to organize. The American Revolution took seven years; the Greek Revolution took eight years, and the French Revolution took ten years. Today, revolutions take only a few days. Consider the 82 day Orange Revolution; the 28 day Tunisian Revolution; and the 18 day Egyptian Revolution. In early November,Read… Read more »
Robert made a good point, “Why don’t we drop this 2.0 business?” We can’t, because there is something there, something that is fundamentally changing our world. Something that enormous is REALLY hard to understand, but we can see the effects of it every day. Clayton Christensen has some early definition with his disruptive innovation. YouRead… Read more »
The White House on Records Management: ‘We Can’t Wait’ “Records management can’t wait,” President Barack Obama told the federal government agencies yesterday, via presidential memorandum. It’s likely the federal government could learn a lot from state and local government agencies who have already embraced records management. Maybe you can, too. The president hopes to transformRead… Read more »