
HootSuite launches new App Directory

HootSuite, which gained prominence as a Twitter dashboard/management tool, launched a new App Directory last month. HootSuite had already added social media channel integration as they grew; their dashboard currently allows you to manage your Facebook, LinkedIn,, WordPress, MySpace, Foursquare and mixi pages/accounts (along with Twitter). And now they’ve expanded their reach again withRead… Read more »

Mission-Focused Analytics

What do we mean by “mission-focused analytics?” That is the focus of a new report co-sponsored by the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center for The Business of Government and released earlier today at an event with a panel of federal executives using analytics. “It’s like peeling back an onion. You cry aRead… Read more »

Are You the Next Face of GEICO?

Attention all GovLoopers with GEICO policies! Are you the next face of GEICO? As a proud supporter of Federal employees, GEICO is inviting a few policyholders to GEICO’s headquarters for a day of food, fun and freebies on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 1:00 pm. GEICO also wants to hear your stories! Participants will beRead… Read more »

Federal Coach: With Ken Salazar, Peering into the Department of the Interior

Ken Salazar is the 50th secretary of the Department of the Interior. Previously, he served as a U.S. senator from Colorado, Colorado’s state attorney general and the executive director of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources. Salazar has also been a farmer and a small businessman. This interview was conducted by Tom Fox, author ofRead… Read more »

Some states leveraging SOA to streamline benefits systems

Lower revenues and budget cuts continue to dominate the agendas of state governments. Yet, demand for human services such as unemployment insurance and welfare benefits have seen a dramatic increase as people find themselves struggling and out of work. In this environment, many states are looking for ways to streamline their benefits systems to cutRead… Read more »

Do Great! Collaborate!

Here on GovLoop we love our hard working govies. We know that getting big things done in government can be a challenge that requires a lot of collaboration. Multiple layers and multiple levels of government need to work together as one to solve problems and make government even better! How do you get the membersRead… Read more »

Social Media for Government – Online Class

Have you heard that there is a class focused just on social media use in government agencies (as well as a discussion of e-government in general) that will be held online in January? It is through the University of California in San Diego (UCSD) and will run over 6 weeks from January until the endRead… Read more »

Dealing with Fear and Uncertainty in Government

Welcome to the new GovLoop bi-weekly blog on issues relating to the intersection of leadership and executive coaching in government. Let me first introduce myself. I’m Lee Salmon, a certified executive coach, who worked in three federal government agencies for 22 years until last year when I retired ( ). During my last ten yearsRead… Read more »

This weekend: Aloha and open government at CityCamp Honolulu

Originally posted at The City of Honolulu is calling all citizens to join the open government movement on December 3 and to prove the value of government data as a platform. They hope to entice citizens to shape the future of their city by identifying open government opportunities, discussing technology, and formulating solutions. CivicRead… Read more »

DC Area Foreclosure Assistance Mobile Text Service by CAFN

Regional Community Service Announcement TEXT HOME or CASA to 877-877 The Capital Area Foreclosure Network (CAFN) very recently announced the launch of a new foreclosure prevention text messaging service. The service will provide those in or worried about foreclosure with access to advice, reminders, and alerts through their mobile phones in either Spanish or English.Read… Read more »