
Lauren Reid: Why I’m Coding for America.

First, let’s be clear, I’m not a coder. Not even close. I’m a some-time racquetball player, part-time marketer, and full-time activist. The later two being the reason why I joined up with Code for America. Ever since I realized that America, land of liberty, was an entirely preconceived notion — I’ve found myself pondering theRead… Read more »


It feels a little like Apple has just been cored. This morning, I don’t think I was alone in shedding a tear. The difference between a geek, a nerd, and everyone else, was probably actually how you felt this morning. Because you see, for the nerds among us, he was more than a genius, anRead… Read more »

Connecticut launches Startup Connecticut

Governor Dannel P. Malloy and business leaders from throughout Connecticut have partnered to launch Startup Connecticut, a new initiative to support entrepreneurship throughout the state. Startup Connecticut is the latest in a national effort coordinated by the Startup America Partnership to help small businesses create jobs. Connecticut is the third state to adopt a StartupRead… Read more »

Netzwerk Bürgerbeteiligung: New German Online Community for Public Participation

Late last month, a new online community launched in Germany for people and organizations that “want to advance citizen participation in political decision making and shape the future of public participation” (translation mine). From the website (in German): Die Partizipation der Bürgerinnen und Bürger an gesellschaftlichen und politischen Entscheidungsprozessen ist ein elementarer Grundpfeiler der Demokratie:Read… Read more »

Is there an NAO community?

At the moment we are spending some time helping colleagues launch this year’s graduate recruitment campaign – branded as Big-on. We are quite proud of our contribution including the branded Big-on Facebook page which my colleague Alex Mueller does a lot of work on. We also have a dedicated Big-on area of our website IRead… Read more »

CO2 Emissions Explained Simply

Tom Brokaw hosted a program back in 2006 that sought to explain a typical American family’s carbon footprint in a simple yet memorable way. All these years later, we dug up the video to see how it has aged. It still seems fresh to us, and remains a great illustration of our impact on theRead… Read more »

Steve Jobs remembered

Steve Jobs Feb. 24, 1955 – Oct 6, 2011 Entrepreneur, Reinventor, Stylist, Visionary I was on the exhibition floor of SharePoint 2011 yesterday when someone gave me the news about Jobs’ passing. My first reaction, you have to be kidding. Sure he was ill, but he’d bounced back before. How can he be gone, he’sRead… Read more »

All Skilled Up

In a previous post I described how we’re supporting people to come up with ideas for ourcompetition through an interactive game. We’ve been working with Turner Contemporary’s Blank Canvas group who “bring younger (aged 13 – 25) and older (over 60) people together, to help them to explore similarities and differences and to interact withRead… Read more »

Steve Jobs remembered

Steve Jobs Feb. 24, 1955 – Oct 6, 2011 Entrepreneur, Reinventor, Stylist, Visionary I was on the exhibition floor of SharePoint 2011 yesterday when someone gave me the news about Jobs’ passing. My first reaction, you have to be kidding. Sure he was ill, but he’d bounced back before. How can he be gone, he’sRead… Read more »

New online service for Tokyo rail riders

For the few weeks, passengers on Tokyo’s Yamanote line will be able to access an information service called Train Net through their smart phones via an on-board WiFi network. The service will provide train information — including the quietest and coolest cars — and location-based entertainment, dining, and shopping recommendations and coupons. WiFi access isRead… Read more »