
Mobile delivery

This is another ‘you’ve not really thought this through, have you Lou?’ post. Sorry about that – if you want more professional and cohesive writing go see here where Hewlett Packard are kindly hosting some of my scribblings. Mobile libraries, I am willing to bet, are an endangered species right now. Rarer than the ThompsonsRead… Read more »

APWA Conference – Day 3

General Session Steven Johnson let the general session of the third day of APWA’s conference. His topic was “Creativity and the Brain—Where do good Ideas Come From?” Johnson started by sharing the story about John Snow who worked with maps and government mortality data to help determine the cause of cholera in the 1800s inRead… Read more »

Oh! The Places You’ll Go!

Remember last year when GovLoop went to twelve different cities to visit GovLooper’s from coast-to-coast in a superb GovUp way? Well, weee’rrree baaaack!! Not quite as aggressively, but don’t worry – you’ll have your chance to get us to your city before the end of next year…I promise! For now, here is the line up:Read… Read more »

Do You Have a Telework Dress Code?

I’ve been a professional teleworker for several years and find myself changing things up to get in the right productive mind-set. While I typically find myself in jeans and a GovLoop T-shirt it’s interesting to hear from other teleworking friends on their style when working from the home office, the coffee shop or the sharedRead… Read more »

CenturyLink Takes Highline to New Heights

The Highline Public school District serves approximately 17,500 students across Washington State. There are 38 Highline campuses, including multiple elementary, middle, and high schools in addition to operational locations. With the amount of students to educate and an increase in the desire for new feature-rich media applications, the school system was facing a major challenge.Read… Read more »

Interesting elsewhere – 28 September 2011

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web Betagov blues.. « Digital by Default Outside of Hercules House ‘digital by default’ seems a long, long way away and requires making compromises in order just to get some momentum. Small wins are achievable (and you can bet we celebrate each one!) but getting anything largerRead… Read more »

NWA IT Conference: The Future of WIC is Now

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. Deltek attended the 2011 National Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Association’s (NWA) Technology Conference September 21-23, in Pittsburgh, Pa. For those not familiar with the conference, it’s held every two years and provides an opportunity to network, learn, and share technological directions for WIC’s future with industry leaders. Topics thisRead… Read more »

Subway cell phones: Progress or chaos?

As the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (NY) rolls out wireless service at six subway stations, the debate begins. Is the ability to text, talk, tweet, and surf underground a sign of progress or the end of civilization? The New York Times likens it to a “vast social experiment.” Michael M. Grynbaum writes: The contemplative commute couldRead… Read more »

The Geopolitics of the Open Government Partnership: the beginning of Open vs. Closed

There hasn’t been a ton of press about the Open Government Partnership (OGP). This is hardly surprising. The press likes to talk about corruption and bad government, people getting together to talk about actually address these things in far less sexy. But even where good coverage exists analysts and journalists are, I think, misunderstanding theRead… Read more »

The Future of Graphics in Social Media

When Facebook rolled out its tweaks to its news feed last week, I was first struck by the new larger size of images. I thought “this looks like Tumblr.” I’ll write more on Tumblr later, but the point here is that Facebook appears to have learned something Tumblr has known for a while: people likeRead… Read more »