
GovBytes: Gov Documents Go Digital

Starting today in Ottawa County, Michigan, citizens can access their government documents, such as their birth certificates, marriage licenses, property deeds and other records, from the Internet. Testing for the system has been in effect for the past month using a program called TrueCertify to help ensure security and encryption for these documents to preventRead… Read more »

Water Works – PLCs control all USA remote pump sites.

So it would be wise for all Water Works personnel to seek additional real-world PLC safety and reliability training, not just scholastic learning. (A PLC is a Programmable Logic Controller) See the video to learn more about the risk to our infrastructure and proper training. If any of you have questions about PLCs, I canRead… Read more »

WMATA works to improve cell phone service throughout rail system

Cell phone service continues to improve throughout the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (DC) Metrorail system. Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile are working to meet the agency’s deadline of wiring the rail system by October 16, 2012 — a date mandated by Congress four years ago as part of a federal funding agreement. “On anyRead… Read more »

Google+ and Mobile Productivity for the Enterprise

Mashable reports that Google has improved its IOS Google+ app: The search giant follows Tuesday’s Android update of Google+with a similar refresh to its iOS version, now available free on the App Store. What’s new? Like its Android cousin, the iOS version of the Google+ mobile app now supports Hangouts, letting groups communicate with eachRead… Read more »

Self belief in the modern age

The problem with the internet (yes, I am capable of acknowledging there is one) is it creates insecurity. Think about it. We’ve got a generation of young people growing up in this country who think failure is no Likes on their Facebook posting. No comments on their Flickr, no Likes on their Instagram. Nothing butRead… Read more »

Deutscher EDV Gerichtstag 2011: Sheridan Paper, Materials, and Tweets

Some materials from Deutscher EDV Gerichtstag 2011 — major e-Government and legal informatics conference for German-speaking countries — held 21-23 September 2011 in Saarbrücken, Germany, are now available. The program included a paper by John Sheridan of The National Archives (UK) and — and a member of our community — entitled Freie Daten fürRead… Read more »

Jive and Social Business

Just because social media such as Facebook and Twitter are known to sap productivity at the workplace doesn’t mean that they aren’t efficient. Quite the contrary- social media’s allure comes from its amazing effectiveness for connecting people, forming virtual communities, compiling, developing, and delivering relevant information and, most recently, perfecting and distributing apps. Realizing thatRead… Read more »

GEOINT 2011: Forging Integrated Intelligence

The Geoint symposium is upon us. It will be held October 16-19 in San Antonio, Texas. The theme for this years event is “Forging Integrated Intelligence.” But unofficially there is a key sub theme that is jumping right out at us all. That sub-theme is “Big Data” for geospatial intelligence. Here is a bit ofRead… Read more »

Thinking About the Traditional Approach

A recent IDG interview of Bob Gourley and Andrjew Kawalec delved into the problem of the “traditional” method of enterprise security, a paradigm under severe challenge. We can sum up the traditional approach as less a certain tactic, technique, technology, or policy than a way of viewing the world. As Gourley has noted, traditional enterpriseRead… Read more »