
Open Government Communities Survey; Be Counted

If you’re involved in Open Government, I encourage you to participate in this first informal open government communities survey. The objective of the short survey is to create a view of the broad community of constituents that comprise the open government movement, with a special interest in understanding the interplay and influence of open sourceRead… Read more »

Is Risky the New Norm?

The more mobile and open our smart devices and social media go, the more we have to worry about. As many government agencies go to cloud-based services, they are more prone to privacy breaches, fraude, and hacking of data. In the latest edition of Deloitte Insights, Deloitte and former Federal CISCO discuss the the nextRead… Read more »

The Obama Jobs Speech: Real Life Leadership Lessons.

Real life leadership lesson – be transparent, congruent and authentic to both yourself and to those you lead! To be clear – I am wearing my organization development practitioner hat here. This is a bi-partisan analysis of a real life event to highlight what I believe are imperative traits of successful leadership -transparency, congruence, andRead… Read more »

Despite reluctance, states acknowledge looming deadline for insurance exchanges

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. The January 1, 2014 federal deadline for states to have health insurance exchanges up and running is fast approaching, and as summer comes to a close, states are realizing just how fast time is flying. Surprisingly, several states have yet to pass legislation to set up the infrastructure, and inRead… Read more »

Get Ready for a Food Fight!

I have some pretty cool news to share. Aetna is teaming up with and Bobby Flay for one awesome cause. The Aetna Healthy Food Fight is an initiative to promote healthy eating through education and sharing of healthy tips and recipes. Aetna’s Food Fight is making healthy eating not only a reality, but reallyRead… Read more »

Portland looks at broadband plan

After a series of fits and starts, the Portland City Council will hear a proposal for the city’s broadband plan today. The highly anticipated plan comes after the city backed away from an earlier version that would’ve cost nearly a half billion dollars. City officials want to create a high-speed, city administered broadband network toRead… Read more »

Tweeting a new vision for transportation in Michigan

The Michigan Municipal League along with Let’s Save Michigan hosted a conversation on Twitter this week to address the need for new transportation systems in the state. The Twitter talk invited experts to share their ideas and answer questions in an online forum with a goal of informing the governor’s new transportation and infrastructure plan,Read… Read more »

The Oxford Handbook of Civil Society

In the past two decades, “civil society” has become a central organizing concept in the social sciences. Occupying the middle ground between the state and private life, the civil sphere encompasses everything from associations to protests to church groups to nongovernmental organizations. Interest in the topic exploded with the decline of statism in the 1980sRead… Read more »

Web/Social Media Metrics Reports: Hurricane Irene and Major Flooding

It’s been an eventful few weeks in my neck of the woods. Let’s recap: 1.) Aug. 19: Thousands of motorcycle riders paid tribute to 9/11 with a massive ride through Northern Virginia, including Fairfax Co., causing major communications needs for commuters. 2.) Aug. 23: A once-in-a-lifetime earthquake strikes and rattles Virginia. 3.) Aug. 25-29: HurricaneRead… Read more »