
NYC subway thefts target cell phones and electronics

Crime is up 17% in New York City’s subways, mostly because of an increase in thefts of cell phones, iPods, and other electronic gadgets. The thieves typically hang out on subway platforms and grab the electronic devices from passengers just as the doors close. “The system is as safe as it’s ever been, but youRead… Read more »

Network-Centric Warfare on the Cheap

Aeryon Systems has recently gotten a good deal of media attention for Libyan rebels’ use of 3-pound (backpack, briefcase, or trunk-stored) Scout unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in tactical-level intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) functions. Dependent on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) for their ISR needs, the rebels naturally opted to develop their own organicRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 23

Day 23 This morning we had our regular engineering staff meeting. It was a pretty typical meeting with GIS sharing what they were doing and then our engineers and technical staff letting us know the status of all the projects. After our meeting, we started driving the roads to determine their condition. We also spentRead… Read more »

Unsubscribe vs. Opt-out

Our organization, CEPSM, recently ran a database “cleaning” email campaign to remind our e-communications subscribers that they are in full control of what they want to receive and how often. While at first instinct nobody wants to see their database decline in numbers, I’m sure most people would agree that clogging your audiences’ email in-boxesRead… Read more »

Phone Tips & Tricks: “Point and Shoot”

The Phone Tips & Tricks series is supported by the Sprint Federal Employee Discount Program. To find awesome discounts visit the Sprint Federal Employee Discount resource center today. I’ve been seeing a lot of images from all over after last week’s east coast earthquake and Hurricane Irene. This got me thinking. Our world has changedRead… Read more »

Facebook’s latest response to Google+

First thing I thought of when Google+ launched a few months ago was that they were making a big promotional mistake by making their USP (unique selling proposition) the fact that they allow users to create “circles”. Why did I think it was a mistake? One of the key things I remember that my strategicRead… Read more »