
Enhancing Collective Defense with Taxonomies for Operational Cyber Defense

Cyberspace is our interconnected information technology. And since everything either is or is becoming connected, one of the defining characteristics of cyberspace is its complexity. This adds burden to cyber defenders. Defense teams require experience, education, training and a mindset that lets them continually learn. They also must forge broad teams across multiple subject andRead… Read more »

BART customer website hacked

Making good on its promise to wage cyberwar against Bay Area Rapid Transit (CA), the group Anonymous hacked BART’s customer website and released personal information. The group targeted and published the names of at least 2,400 people along with their email addresses and passwords; in some cases addresses and phone numbers were published asRead… Read more »

Social Media as a Protected Right? #gov20

Are Mobile Phones Subject to the Second Amendment Protections #gov20 David Gewirtz @ ZD writes an interesting column on whether the 2nd Amendment of the US constitution (or equivalent protections globally) would have protected cell phone use if they had been around at the time. Despite the commenters digging a bit to deep into theRead… Read more »

Training To Prevent Cyber Attack

“No one felt safe from anyone anymore. Many more millions died as brother turned against brother in the War Against Terror, and countries turned within, no longer wanting anything to do with the rest of the world; their world was enough. Then the terrorists exacted their revenge and used the Internet, the one link someRead… Read more »

MythBusters Call For Participation

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) has asked for help to determine the “Top Ten” Mythbusters initiatives, in conjunction with the ongoing campaign to improve government and industry relations. The American Council for Technology (ACT) – Industry Advisory Council (IAC) has put up an initial list for comment and expansion to deliver on thatRead… Read more »

Des Moines looks to the future

As part of an ongoing series in the Des Moines Register, the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (IA) highlighted five things about the future of public transportation in the city. On the technology front, DART expects to launch an online trip planner later this year, which will be integrated with Google Transit and isRead… Read more »

Pawlenty and All Rationality Exit Race for Whitehouse? #gov20 #opengov

Irrationality can result, even from “Self-evident” truths As most of you know, I am a Democrat (worked for a Democratic Congressman, Governor and a bunch of other great electeds and candidates throughout the years). So, don’t take my headline as any indication of a change in my spots. But I get concerned when parts ofRead… Read more »

Hackers threaten to wage cyberwar against BART

An international group of hackers has threatened to wage a cyberwar against Bay Area Rapid Transit (CA) in retaliation for the agency’s decision to cut cell phone service last week. BART interrupted wireless access at selected stations as a safety measure during a planned protest about a July fatal shooting by BART police. BART describedRead… Read more »

MythBusters Call For Participation

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) has asked for help to help determine the “Top Ten” Mythbusters initiatives, in conjunction with the ongoing campaign to improve government and industry relations. The American Council for Technology (ACT) – Industry Advisory Council (IAC) has put up an initial list for comment and expansion to deliver onRead… Read more »