
Social media governance resources

I have just posted a new blog post on social media governance resources on the AIIM Communities blog: It features a number of resources specific to government as well as links to policy and governance databases including the Web 2 0 Governance Policies and Best Practices wiki list maintained by the Social Media SubcouncilRead… Read more »

Thinking Mobile

I’ve been thinking about how citizens might use mobile devices to get government services for…well…years. Sam Gallagher and I started talking about making web content usable on mobile devices way back in 2000, when we were teaching HUD’s partners how to create customer-friendly websites. Mobile apps are here to stay, and it’s a great timeRead… Read more »

Week (and a half) in review 7/6/2011

Lots of social media news the past week, from Google + launching to the Obama Twitter town hall. Sorry for the late post, makes for a longer list. Here’s the recap: My talk with Tim Farley on Sirius/XM radio. #AskObama: How’d That Go? [UPDATED] | techPresident via @nclarkjudd RT @aneeshchopra: First official tweet –Read… Read more »

Argonne National Labs Gives Plastic Bags New Life

We hear about carbon nanotubes and lithium ion batteries a lot lately, so when we saw this video – which shows how Argonne scientists can use plastic bags to make both – we wanted to pass it along to the CEIL Blog readers. Original post

Daily Dose: Should The White House Budget Be Cut?

Already this year, some Republicans have begun to suggest that Obama ought to be willing to take cuts in the White House budget, to demonstrate to the country his commitment to reducing the deficit. The Washington Post’s Ben Pershing writes that the presidential teleprompter and maintenance of the executive residence have both come under fire.Read… Read more »


The opposite of love is indifference. At least with hate I’ve been noticed. I was working at a large tech meeting, observing the different sales folk. The most successful ones, the ones creating interest, were scrambling to support the meeting, ostentatiously taking action to move the meeting forward. They had people inquiring about what elseRead… Read more »

Two New Global Renewable Energy Studies

Vestas Wind Systems A/S, a global leader in wind energy, recently announced the release of two studies that will help move consumers and corporations towards an increased use of renewable energy. The reports are free to the public and provide an interesting read for those interested in renewable energy on a global scale: Corporate RenewableRead… Read more »

Selected riders can add value to SmarTrip cards online

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (DC) is testing a feature that will enable riders to add value to their SmarTrip cards online. The pilot includes 5,000 riders, including 50 recruited via Twitter. Riders can add between $10 and $200 online but, as Greater Greater Washington notes, the system cannot instantly update the card balance.Read… Read more »

Google mobile app now tells riders where to get off

Google has introduced a transit navigation feature in its latest release of Google Maps for Android mobile devices. Still in beta, Transit Navigation enables transit riders to track their progress stop-by-stop along a route in more than 400 cities worldwide. (Engadget reports on its field test in New York City here.) When riders enter theirRead… Read more »