
ALA 2011: Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall

The ALA Annual Conference and Exhibit is in gear in New Orleans, LA. This conference brings together more than 25,000 librarians, educators, authors, publishers, literacy experts, illustrators and the leading suppliers to the market. (2011 ALA Conference Overview) One of my favorite things about ALA is the huge exhibit hall. it’s worth attending the conferenceRead… Read more »

5 min blog post – we are not secure

Lulzsec and the census. They had hacked the census, they hadn’t hacked the census, someone else had hacked the census, then they hadn’t. So what did we learn? The census bods reacted quickly and with restraint in responding to the rumours spreading like wildfire across the web. It is easy to spoof (pretend) someone elsesRead… Read more »

Hybrid IT Service Delivery

This post sponsored by the Enterprise CIO Forum and HP. Today’s users expect IT services and response to be immediate, interactive, connected and fluid. Delivering technology-enabled services is more important than ever and the most successful enterprises don’t just respond to this, they embrace it. Cloud computing promises the agility enterprises need. It helps deliverRead… Read more »

GovBytes: State-Issued Phones To Go The Way Of The Dodo

California Gov. Jerry Brown has eliminated 44 percent of all state-issued cell phones in what Government Technology’s Brian Heaton describes as “just the first round of cuts.” It’s part of Brown’s plan to reduce the number of state-issued phones in California by half, to lower costs for the budget-strapped state. Evan Westrup, a spokesman forRead… Read more »

McDonald on mLegal: Mobile Legal Technology for Developing Nations

Sean Martin McDonald, Esq., of Frontline SMS and Frontline SMS: Legal, has published The Case for mLegal, Innovations: Technology, Governance, Globalization, 6(1), 41-62 (2011), doi: 10.1162/INOV_a_00057. (Click here for an open access version of the article.) Here is a summary: While there are a number of obstacles [facing citizens of developing countries] to accessing legalRead… Read more »