
Daily Dose: Some Smell Hypocrisy In The FBI’s Upper Ranks

The decision by President Obama to request that FBI Director Robert Mueller be retained beyond the end of his 10-year term has stoked new complaints by some agents about a policy Mueller put in place shortly after 9/11. Jerry Markon of the Washington Post writes: The FBI’s policy, which is unusual among law enforcement agencies,Read… Read more »

Recruitment 411: A profile puzzle

It’s estimated 41.6 percent of the U.S. population has a Facebook account, and 13 percent of the population is part of the Twitterverse. Once you add in sites like GovLoop, LinkedIn, Second Life and YouTube, it’s not unusual for someone to have multiple social media profiles. Social media sites are now as much a partRead… Read more »

Positive Benefits Of An Internal Meeting

There’s a bunch written about the waste of internal meetings. Sure they are often an absolute waste of time, but if the commentary is negative, we never improve. I am currently in an asynchronous organization. It would be a deal-breaker to all work together, as we all have widely dispersed customer obligations. We all produceRead… Read more »

2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries Now Available

The 2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries: e-Initiatives and e-Efforts: Expanding Our Horizons is is now available: 2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries in PDF. Best Practices for Government Libraries for 2011 and prior years are all available from the right sidebar here on the Government Info Pro. Best Practices is a collaborative document thatRead… Read more »

Kundra’s Leaving. Calling On The Next Karen Evans!

Western civilization didn’t end last week, but the twitterati were aflame with 140-character discussions about the departure of Vivek Kundra, the Federal CIO, after two years on the job. Kundra has been one of the Obama administration’s most visible and colorful figures, launching numerous initiatives for transparency, IT procurement reform and basic computing approaches. WhatRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Social networking sites and our lives (06/06/2011) – A new PEW study looks at the social impact of technology examining how people’s trust, personal relationships, and civic and political involvement are connected to their use of social network sites and other technologies. One of the striking things found in the data was how proudRead… Read more »

Next live chat – Tuesday 28th June on crisis comms

The last web chat we did was pretty successful, so after a couple of weeks’ break, let’s do another. On 28th June at 11am, we’ll be talking about using the web, and in particular, social media, in crisis communications. Head over to the chat page, and you can sign up for a reminder. Original post

TriMet surveys riders on Twitter use

After coming under fire a few months ago for its customer communications — and especially its use of Twitter — Portland’s TriMet (OR) is now asking its followers for feedback. In an online survey, the agency asks riders what they expect from TriMet’s tweets (and what topics, if any, are off limits), how they accessRead… Read more »