
Recruitment 411: Private industry tips for public agencies – Part II

This is the second part of a series inspired by Susan Ward’s article on featuring “Ten tips for attracting employees.” I am responding to Susan’s tips for business owners with my take about how government agencies can use them to promote their jobs. 6. Offer employees some way to move upwards. It’s not thatRead… Read more »

GovLooper’s – Please Assist in a survey for a new Course

I am currently working on a new and exciting project at AIIM. I am curious to know what you would be interested in buying as courseware if we were to offer additional training and certification under our educational programs. I would like to know if you would be interested in certain topics. As such, IRead… Read more »

Fairfax County Public Schools approves $252M for architecture, engineering, construction and IT

INPUT’s Director of State and Local Information Services Tim Brett reports on Fairfax County, Virginia’s capital improvement plan. Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) proposed accelerating the renovation schedule for many schools in its FY 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) due to lower construction costs. Favorable market conditions and lower than estimated construction bids have madeRead… Read more »

New councillor? Get the training you need online

With the elections of May 5 2011 now complete Member Development Officers need to look at the most efficient and cost effective way to train these newly elected councillors. Modern Councillor is the online learning and support destination for councillors, people considering standing for election, or indeed anyone with a passion for local democracy providedRead… Read more »


Euan Semple wrote a short post the other day that really caught my eye. Here it is in full (hopefully he doesn’t mind!): A business where everyone blogs. Everyone thinks about what they are doing and writes about what they are doing. From the top to the bottom, the edges to the middle. Everyone awakeRead… Read more »

Tips for data breach victims

If you shop, play video games or blog, your information may have been compromised as part of a recent pile-up of data breaches. We tell you what to do to minimize the chance that thieves make off with your money or destroy your credit. Original post

A Few Social Media Stats About EPA’s Efforts

Today, the following request came from a colleague at another federal agency via the Web Content Managers Forum, the gov’t-only group of 2500+ folks: I need ammunition/stats from other federal agencies regarding the value of social media, specifically in terms of an agency’s obligation to be transparent and to reach and serve ppl where theyRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: How YouTube Can Save Your Job Reputation

In an effort to regain the public’s trust and fix their reputation, the National Air Traffic Controller’s Association (NATCA-the nation’s largest union for air traffic controllers) is turning to social media for help. Via a brand new video posted on YouTube earlier today, a group of experienced air traffic controllers from around the country explainRead… Read more »