
Improving CBP’s Acquisition Workforce, Pt. 2: CBP’s Acquisition Structure

CBP’s Secure Border Initiative (SBI) was officially cancelled in January of 2011, but had already been re-organized at the beginning of the fiscal year as the Office of Technology Innovation and Acquisition (OTIA). As part of the transformation, our boss became the Component Acquisition Executive, or CAE, for all of Customs and Border Protection. WhatRead… Read more »

Room for the halves

Sometimes I wonder if we’ve forgotten that non geeks can have good ideas too. Forgotten that it’s not just developers who see opportunities to make things better. In local government, the deelopers are so far away from the front line that they need analysts in the middle to translate. The same, I think is trueRead… Read more »

We need to ask for more VPATs

Here is another post from Accessibility Forum 2.0 blog by Terry Weaver. The biggest problem with buying accessible electronic and information technology in the Federal government isn’t bad VPATs (or other 508 conformance documentation); it is the fact that we don’t even ask most of the time! As part of GSA’s sampling of Fed BizRead… Read more »