How To Boost Your Career With Successful IT Projects
You, not the IT department, will make or break your project’s success.
You, not the IT department, will make or break your project’s success.
Those of us who are a little older tend to be rather apprehensive about learning new ways to use our computers. It’s similar to thinking about learning a new language – we just don’t know if we’re too old to start! But change is inevitable and it’s how we grow. If we don’t accept the… Read more »
Learn how you can accelerate digital transformation at your agency.
Our state and local govies have been hard at work this year. Check out our countdown of the top state and local stories in 2016.
Our govies have been hard at work this year. Check out our countdown of the top state and local stories in 2016.
Learn how you can streamline, automate and secure your records digitally.
Complexity and a lack of strategic planning undermine our government’s cybersecurity. The government does have the ability to protect our data and IT resources; what is needed is a strategic, risk-based program that prioritizes its most valuable assets.
Congress enacted FITARA to reduce waste and duplication in the acquisition and management of federal information technologies.
Our govies have been hard at work this year. Check out our countdown of the top state and local stories in 2016.
Learn how to keep your networks safe in the midst of your modernization efforts.