
Maintaining Secure Critical Infrastructure

Threats to critical infrastructure come in every shape and size. Physical threats from malicious actors and environmental instability are always concerns, while threats in cyberspace are mounting every day. Add onto those risks the fact that government funds are diminishing while critical assets are aging, and the challenge of maintaining security can seem overwhelming.

We're hiring note over keyboard computer notebook, laptop. Job concept.

How Security Cleared Personnel Can Set Themselves Apart at Hiring Events

In today’s IT job market, more and more roles are requiring employees to possess an active security clearance. However, it can be costly for companies to sponsor employees to obtain a security clearance and to train them to develop the desired skill sets necessary for a particular role. Consequently, the demand for experienced professionals withRead… Read more »

Maintaining Resilient State & Local Assets in Utah

DHS provides a wealth of resources and guidance to regional and local jurisdictions, to help them protect and maintain critical infrastructure. However, Kathy McMullin, Planner with the Utah State Division of Emergency Management, described the necessary role that state government can play in providing more localized support.

Software Defined Network (SDN): Most People Miss the Point

I get asked about software-defined networks (SDN) quite often and at this point I sort of expect that most people have no idea what it means.  Yeah they can explain that SDN stands for Software Defined Networking, but then they quickly go on a rant explaining the virtues of OpenFlow[1] and how managing physical switchesRead… Read more »