
Behind every gobby woman…

This is a post about my boyfriend. It’s also a post inspired by Matthew Taylor’s recent blog post on the RSA site about ingenuity. I think differently. But so does my boyfriend. And we are not the same and it’s not just biological or temperamental. It’s literally, a different way of thinking differently. I don’tRead… Read more »

Code for America hosts launch of Simpl

The launch and initial social innovation matchmaking activities hosted by Code for America, at their San Francisco headquarters on April 5th, will be the first public unveiling of the new Simpl platform. This important milestone is the result of a partnership between public sector consultancy FutureGov and government marketing experts Rock Creek Strategic Marketing. FindRead… Read more »

Simpl – the Social Innovation Marketplace – is open for business

Today is an important day for me and my colleagues, because today Simpl, the Social Innovation Marketplace, opens its doors to the world. Simpl is a website that enables people in government agencies to source innovative ideas for improving public services, and rather than being a funding platform, the marketplace is all about the exchangeRead… Read more »

Federal IT Dashboard Goes Open Source

Last week the White House and the Federal CIO announced that the source code of the cost-saving IT Dashboard has been made available to the public and other government agencies. This first open source release will serve as a starting point for communities of interest to adapt the code to their own needs and developRead… Read more »

“Whosoever Desires Constant Success must Change his Conduct with the Times.”

This Machiavellian quote encapsulates this week’s blog, which is a continuation of last week’s blog where we categorized the six tactics people utilize to avoid accepting change. To recap, there are several different tactics that are typically taken that can be classified into the following six categories Only Game in Town We Are theRead… Read more »

Configuring Your Enterprise Hardware to NIST Standards

The US Department of Commerce is home to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). One of the many virtuous things done by NIST is coordination of best practices for enterprise IT, especially practices dealing with ensuring both security and functionality of IT. NIST provides configuration checklists relevant to enterprise software and hardware atRead… Read more »

E-learning in Remote Aboriginal Communities

Greetings from day 2 of CCA-EDUCAUSE Australasia 2011 in Sydney. Dennis Sharpe, Memorial University of Newfoundland discussed a study of “E-learning in Small Remote Aboriginal Communities”. They found that web based learning was accepted as a viable option for remote locations, using both asynchronous and synchronous. Some students use the e-learning as a supplement toRead… Read more »