
Save the date: Geoint will be 16-19 Oct 2011

The USGIF will facilitate the Geoint Symposium 16-19 October 2011 in San Antonio Texas. According to the site at geoint2011: USGIF Announces First Keynote Speakers for GEOINT 2011 Symposium Confirming their participation in GEOINT 2011 are Gen. Keith B. Alexander, U.S. Army, commander, U.S. Cyber Command and director, National Security Agency (NSA); Bruce Carlson, director,Read… Read more »

Budget cuts may end transparency programs

The spending proposal passed in the House last month and considered in the Senate this month would effectively wipe out funding for e-government initiatives, such as and Full story… So, how to all of us who worked on the Transparency Initiative feel about this? Same ole, same ole?

Blog of the Week: NARP Blog

For a technology that came of age in the 1800′s, rail is certainly all the rage right now. From corporate tycoons to local transportation officials, plenty of people are excited about the role rail can play in a future sustinable U.S. When the staff at CEIL needs an update on what’s new (and news!) inRead… Read more »

Today’s links re: political law

THE POLITICS OF TRANSPARENCY. The Hill. “The Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released a report on Wednesday that details what he says are attempts by the Obama administration’s political appointees to thwart and delay the release of information.” 2012 SLOW TO DEVELOP. Politico. CAMPAIGN LEGAL FEES IN THE NEWS. Obama’s.Read… Read more »

Community 2.0 Web Hero ends isolation for elderly

I have been working closely with Kingston City Council since last year, assisting them in implementing Web 2.0, social media and mobile technologies to improve collaboration internally, to cut costs and to engage and communicate more clearly with residents and local businesses. It is through this program that I met Belinda McDaid. Belinda McDaid managesRead… Read more »

Sitting down to be counted

Now we are all counted. The location of everybody in the country on Sunday is plotted with absolute precision. Public services over the coming decade can be fine tuned to take account of who is where. I am in favour of that. I have no problem with the general principle of a census. But theRead… Read more »