
Building on GovMadness 2011: – the Best of the Rest in Gov2.0 from Federal, State and Local

In keeping with the spirit that GovLoop has started this week with GovMadness 2011, I thought I’d post a forum to highlight some of the smaller agencies and cities that may have gotten the snub from GovLoop’s big dance. There are a lot of agencies and departments out there doing great work with social media,Read… Read more »

Free calls and texts to Japan

Reach out to your loved ones in Japan — for free. Responding to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint are providing free phone calls and texts to the country, as well as access to Japanese news broadcasts. Original post

Digital Asset ROI for the Entire IT Enterprise – Analytics Aren’t Just For Websites

The use of website analytics and reporting software isn’t new to most website owners. Tracking and analyzing the usage of your website by people and search engine ‘bots are obviously essential activities for validating your investment. Typical metrics tracked include number of visits by various user types, number of downloads or access to particular content,Read… Read more »

How Google is Mapping 25 Years of Climate Change

This blog entry was originally posted on [acronym] Online, a blog and magazine dedicated to those in the public sector working within the 2D and 3D digital design, GIS, architecture and engineering disciplines. In December of last year, Google released its new Google Earth Engine, an application created specifically with scientific research in mind. ThisRead… Read more »

Support Green Initiatives and You Support Breakthrough Research

We post a lot about the impressive renewable energy research that is going on at our national labs and universities. So it’s easy to think that the world of green begins and ends with energy research. But a recent article reminded us that supporting green projects is about more than reducing pollution and loweringRead… Read more »