
Calgary Budget Consultation: 13 Design Principles

On Friday, the City of Calgary launched a large-scale citizen engagement project: Our City. Our Budget. Our Future. In February 2011, Council approved the engagement process for the facilitated review of core services and The City’s business planning and budget process. It is an extensive engagement process that will facilitate conversations with citizens, employees andRead… Read more »

States respond to President’s nationwide wireless broadband initiative

Last week, President Obama traveled to Marquette County, Michigan to unveil a nationwide, high-speed wireless plan. The initiative received applause from a handful of governors who said the expansion would benefit their local economies and benefit efforts to build out the National Public Safety Broadband Network for first responders. The $18 billion initiative would provideRead… Read more »

Bar Camp Canberra 2011

Bar Camp Canberra 2011 will be held at ANU College of Business and Economics in Canberra on 19 March 2011. This is free and there is room for 150 people. You can register online.These events are a little geeky, with participants referring to each other by their Twitter “handle” and almost everyone having a wirelessRead… Read more »

The New Normal – Cloud Computing

This week the Capital Technology Management Hub put on a program about cloud computing – a very informative session about a new approach to computing that is no longer just a concept – it is up and running with higher level enhancements coming on line continuously at a steady pace. Interesting in its own right,Read… Read more »

Why Doesn’t Your Business Have an App Yet?

My Crossfit gym posts the workout of the day every night but I have to open a browser and visit the website to see it. Why is there no app for that? There can be. My school email does not have settings that I can program into my phone’s mail accounts. Why is there noRead… Read more »

Project of Week – NYC Simplicity Idea Market – Virtual Suggestion Box for Employees

I’m a big fan of the use of ideation in government to bring innovation both within agencies by employees and with citizens. Last year, the Obama administration hosted a series of dialogues on Open Government with each agency and cities from Austin to Santa Cruz have used dialogues to get ideas from citizens on howRead… Read more »

Linked augmentation

The following post is entirely Hadley Beeman’s (@hadleybeeman) fault. So much is, actually, when it comes to opendata and linked data – just Google her and you’ll find it why. For the US orientated among you, Hadley is essentially our national lead on opendata in the UK, she’s an American and she yay’s. In public.Read… Read more »

Food for Thought From #Gov2.0LA

I am going to be honest. No one is twisting my arm this weekend to attend Gov2.0LA. With a backdrop like this, and temperatures in the mid-70s, life is good. Not to mention the rampant ideas and energy-rich conversations going on with a room full of experts dedicated to making government better. Despite my sun-inducedRead… Read more »

Fantastic advice on how to manage up, esp. as a web manager

My friend Candi Harrison’s latest blog post is well worth reading: I recommend this not only because I’ve successfully implemented her advice as a leader, but also because it works for me as a manager. I love helping my team succeed, and it’s best when they make that as easy as possible.