Mapping the Government’s Digital Transformation
Are you getting excited for the DorobekINSIDER book club that is coming up? Learn more about the man who wrote the book and get an inside perspective on the government’s digital transformation.
Are you getting excited for the DorobekINSIDER book club that is coming up? Learn more about the man who wrote the book and get an inside perspective on the government’s digital transformation.
Although provisions in the law empower department CIOs, one thing the legislation cannot do through words alone is give them a holistic view of IT spending.
There is big potential for big data analytics to serve all areas of government. However, in order to do this government must use Operational Intelligence to support the three main public sector mission pillars: protect, serve, and grow. Learn how your agency can do this with Splunk’s real-time data platform.
Don’t let your data go to waste for one second more. Learn how one engine for machine-generated data is making your agencies data easier to collect, store, search and report on.
No matter how hard you try, there’s no escaping tech jargon. To help you stay in the know, GovLoop identified and defined a handful of tech terms government employees should know, or at least get used to hearing.
CIOs share insights on where to start with FITARA implementation and how to keep the momentum going.
One of the current driving forces in federal IT is virtualization, or the separation of an application from the hardware it runs from the underlying operating system. Learn how virtualization can help your agency adapt to evolving requirements and optimize current computing capacity.
Five items for the next administration to consider in modernizing government technology.
The ability to not only access data but also glean insights from it is key to FITARA’s success. CIOs need access to IT spending, performance and acquisition data to make sound decisions departmentwide.
As you probably know, there is an election coming up — five long months ahead. And as we all know and understand, elections matter. My fear has been that the coming months will be more about screaming about how the other person is going to destroy the country rather than what the candidate would doRead… Read more »