
Is the Next Generation of Government Citizen Services in Chat Bots?

The phrase “customer service” has often sounded like an oxymoron to anyone who has endured interminable lines at the DMV, navigated maze-like call centers, or even attempted to get a simple answer from a website. Help could be on the way – and sooner than you think.

Book: Delivering on Digital by William Eggers

DorobekINSIDER Book Club: Eggers’ Delivering on Digital

I love books — I just do. I never get to read as much as I hope, particularly these days, but when one finds a book that causes you to really think… well, that is something that deserves celebration. One of the best ways I’ve found to make books come alive is as part ofRead… Read more »

Why Should Agencies Modernize Applications?

Not only does modernizing your agency’s applications mean spending less on costly, outdated systems, it also leads to a more streamlined and agile portfolio. Modernization cuts the clutter, so to speak, and eliminates unneeded outdated applications, enabling changes and updates to be made much more rapidly and effectively throughout the enterprise.