
Vote Victoria – first ever voting centre app

Vote Victoria is a Gov 2.0 application developed by Information Victoria in collaboration with the Victorian Electoral Commission. This first ever voting centre app provides locations of voting centre and allows voters to track election results. Build in a record 6 weeks from concept to release on the iTunes App Store. Click here for moreRead… Read more »

Citizen Action Center: Help Your City Code for America in 2012

Code for America began with a casual conversation between our Founder, Jennifer Pahlka, and Andrew Greenhill, Chief of Staff in Tucson, Arizona. That conversation launched a growing organization that is striving to help the brightest minds of the Web 2.0 generation transform city governments. Conversations matter. We believe that each conversation you have about CfARead… Read more »

Encouraging unique (and non-partisan) government innovation in arts and culture

When people talk about government innovation the discussion tends to revolve around new projects, new buildings and new technologies that the public sector either should be creating or should be directly investing in. But one of the most potentially breakthrough innovations that our government could do to be a Gov 2.0 leader in arts andRead… Read more »

Think IDEO, but for government

This entry may be last before the new year, and to be honest, has been a long time coming. You see, I’ve got this thought in my head and it seems to have taken up residence. I’m not sure how much you know about me, or how much you care to know, but I’ve spentRead… Read more »

Six Social Media Trends for 2011 (from Harvard Business Review)

David Armano of lays out his predictions for 6 social media trends for 2011. Read the full scoop on the Harvard Business Review here. He makes some interesting points (boiled down, below): 1. It’s The Integration Economy, Stupid. 2. Tablet & Mobile Wars Create Ubiquitous Social Computing. 3. Facebook Interrupts Location-Based Networking. 4. Average ParticipantsRead… Read more »

Are you using capture software? Can you help AIIM find the best products?

Over the last few months, AIIM has gathered hundreds of product ratings from industry professionals and users of Capture software. We will make the results available in a report we are developing with well known industry analyst Harvey Spencer. Here’s the current issue if you are a capture vendor or partner or user — SomeRead… Read more »

Mobile Virtual Platforms – Possible sea change

(PingBack to original post on There have been a few recent developments that have individually generated an aggregate reaction somewhat equivalent to “Meh” (although the specialty markets and analysts have been abuzz). However, taken together, I think they can form the platform basis for a Sea Change in mobile platforms. Of course, aRead… Read more »

Who’s using cloud storage?

We currently back-up essential grant data/documents to a thumb-drive. This is actually a back-up of a back-up, that would be accessed in case of emergencies. Because I’ve experienced losing everything from a thumb-drive malfunction, I don’t recommend storing anything extremely important on one. I’ve suggested we use cloud storage to back-up grant documents. I useRead… Read more »

Social Networking Analysis and Homeland Security

Cross-posted from my Posterous blog – The Army Major – a Military Intelligence officer – is monitoring that blog. If any of you are willing to comment publicly, please provide your responses there. If you desire to provide anonymous input for his thesis, either email me directly. All such responses will be considered for non-attributionRead… Read more »